I missed. This isn't exaggeration, right? Six protesters show up in Gaysprawl, California, and it's the first story for 8 minutes on Peter Jennings. Thousands boo the smartest woman in the world on freaking national television and it isn't even a blurb except on OUR venues (like NewsMax)?
Gawd, I know this is stating the obvious, but if two hecklers booed President Bush or Newt Gingrich or Rush Limbaugh it would be front-page above the fold in every lamestream media rag in the land.
Steve Maulsberg (sp?) on WABC this morning played The Booing and then he played Governor Pataki's fabulously inspirational speech from last night. What a contrast! I think word about The Booing will get around.
I also missed it and can't wait to see it for myself. Apparently it will be replayed on VH1 today at 2:00 p.m. EST. On another thread it was mentioned she appears 3-1/2 into the concert.