To: Budman
First of all, I cannot believe you all are watching this crap. The usual Commies in the entertainment industry are on the show (I know because my wife had it on.)and what a bunch of crap. Susan "The Commie" Serandun was on when I saw it. She makes me sick!! She was going lovey Dovey with the black Cop that she had on stage. Just a few months ago, she was ripping into the NYC police Dept. and calling them a bunch of Racists. And then the Commie Di Nero showed his mug with some little girly man. These Commies that I am speaking of, would not be caught dead with the American Flag on their lapels before Sept. 11th but now they wear it.
God Bless America and all of my Freeper friends.
To: rambo316
yeah - but that guiliani song was worth it..
218 posted on
10/20/2001 6:04:24 PM PDT by
To: rambo316
Jeez rambo....pu that M-16 down for a little while and watch the Show...MICK JAGGER is gonna be on!!
222 posted on
10/20/2001 6:05:44 PM PDT by
To: rambo316
Susan "The Commie" Serandun was on.....I missed that part....I was slapping Hiltery....
Seriously, if *I* was producing this thing, I would have hung up on her----a real lefty-and-dangerous-b*tch, IMNSHO.
Backstreet boys, my 14 year old nieces most fave....
To: rambo316
Lighten up....don't you disagree with most musicians...but damn...don't they write great songs? you remember where you were when you first heard "PIANO MAN"? that's where the music matters....while I do not enjoy several acts (i.e. any rap and the Back Street Boys)...there is something for everyone.....this is all about the music! has gotten me through these last few weeks ..from God Bless the USA to John Denver to Jerry Garcia (roots of American rock n roll) to Beatles love songs...MUSIC MATTERS...God Bless Us All is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson