Angelo can't fully accept them and keep his faith so he'll never recognize them even though they're plain to me and you. I was especially struck by Abraham and Issac. Issac carried wood, Jesus carried wood. Issac was the son of promise, Jesus was the son of promise. Issac trusted his father and went docilely. Christ trusted his father and went docilely. Abraham knew God would resurrect Issac because God's promises weren't fulfilled. Jesus knew he would be resurrected beause God's promises weren't fullfilled. I'm sure there are others I haven't even comprehended yet...
Yes, let me add one of my personal favorites, when Moses came down from the mount with the law of God, the whole Israelite nation had gone astray and sinned by making the golden calf. (Christ coming down from the heavens with the new covenant from God finding the world in sin.)The golden calf was made from all the Jews who gave their golden earings for the work, even the children.(All men are under sin and guilty in the sight of God until repentance.) Moses has the calf ground to powder and sprinkled into the stream that comes out of the same mount of God. (Jesus brought the Holy Spirit which was the stream of water coming from the mount of God and brought "living water" to wash away sin. I could go on and on but it is no use. There is an old saying, "convince a man against his will and he will be of the same opinion still." When I saw the word "rosary" while reading I was about to take my que to find better things to do with my time. God bless and take care.