How can there be meaningful existance in this illusion we call life? At any moment we could drop dead. At any moment a child dies. How is it real when God already knows our end? The real existance begins at our own resurrection. That is paramount and why Paul stated the following:
I have never met a nihilist who believes the bible. Will wonders never cease
nihilist n. 1.a) the denial of the existence of any basis for knowledge or truth.
The bible is the word of God.
b) the general rejection of customary beliefs in morality, religion, etc.
The key word is "customary" making me one third nihilist so far.
2. the belief that there is no meaning or purpose in existence.
This is not true. The true meaning is hidden from us and must be revealed by the word of God. Not everyone is going to get it. I reject any and all attempts at placing me in a box. I claim absolute freedom from any religious organization or creed.