Is that the word for "Havoc gets to act superior and throw mud at the Catholics cause he doesn't understand concepts like "chastity" or what "intrinsically evil" means?"
That may or may not be true but I bet he understands "invincibly ignorant". :-)
Havoc isn't worried about "acting superior" or throwing mud. Havoc is interested in what is right and Just. Havoc knows what chastity and evil mean. Havoc also knows what the phrase "Homosexuality is a sin" means. Havoc is amazed that the RCC can't say that instead of issuing three paragraphs of stuff that does not commit to that position - which is the same as that of scripture (ie Homosexuality is a sin.) Havoc is amazed that the RCC can't commit to calling a sin for what it is 100% and without reservation.
You guys completely deny any spiritual aspect, as eastrider's comment shows - not even discerning or perhaps understanding a spiritual element - who knows. He pokes fun at a spiritual element - which is worst yet. But it tells me more about who you guys are.
Is that the word for "Havoc gets to act superior and throw mud at the Catholics cause he doesn't understand concepts like "chastity" or what "intrinsically evil" means?"Quod scripsi scripsi. (Steve: Cf. Jn19:22 : )