What?!?! I don't understand what you are talking about.
The Catholic Mass has not changed its Liturgy ever as far as I know. I remember being a little kid and hearing the Bible read the same as it is now. I might not have known it was the "Bible" but I heard the readings, which is the important thing. It is referred to as "The Liturgy." We were not encouraged/discouraged to read the Bible in my house, either. Our CCD classes were based on Bible stories and the Catholic Catachism. I went to Catholic HS and we finished the Bible in religious class well before I graduated.
I'm sorry you have attended "mundane" churches, I guess I have either been quite lucky or maybe I never look at any Bible reading as mundane, I don't know. I think that we have a personal responsibility to ourselves and God to get to know him through the Bible and also some of the wonderful writings we have available to us - I don't need anyone from a pulpet to remind me to do that.
There is such a wealth of information on Jesus Christ and Christianity out there - I read the Bible slowly and I will be the first to admit that I am not nearly as well read in that respect as my non-C brethren. But I grew up reading the lives of the Saints, information about other religions, christian history books, any history books, catholic history books, ancient christian writers, etc. Of course one can go on and on.
My point is that although the Bible is paramount, IMVHO, Catholics are also encouraged to read broadly (kind of like Havoc does, only not so slanted ;-)), and be well rounded. Rereading the above, it kind of sounds snotty and I do not mean it that way - but sometimes it seems to me that some people read the Bible to the exclusion of other wonderful ways to find God. I think knowledge is Truth and Truth is God - he gave us such a wonderful sense of curiousity, why limit it to only the Bible.