Geeeez sweetheart; who hasn't been would be an infinitely easier task. {g}
PJones, BDale, The AR Trooper & Nursing Home Admin Juanita Brodderick...those off the top of my head!
Hell Joy, I can't remember all the names if I had a month to do so; but, those names would make a line from here to Timbuk Tu & back if I did.
So if you missed a few score?
Why that'd be perfectly understandable.
It'd take somone with a Masters Degreed in Library Science to remember all the people whose lives were ruined over the eight year rein of terror by the human trash compacter known as the Clintigula Machine; and then that wouldn't be touching the names of those destroyed before his rise over all of us nationally.
What a very sad thought a worm like the Sink Emporer would be willingly granted that much power by so many, over so many.
It doesn't make any sense & is like a bad dream; yet, it happened nonetheless.
ZOGBY Poll reports BUSH desired over "It ain't my Fault" CLINTON as President in Time of Crisis =
BUSH = 72%