(2) Our enemy is Islamic - which means mostly Arab/South Asian. This is not only a strategic war - it is a cultural war and a war concerning cultural allegiances. Members of the alien culture which is attacking us are naturally suspect. And they should be. These murderers did not act alone.
They had help and support from the Muslim community in America. In the streets of Chicago, Paterson, Brooklyn and Houston Muslims celebrated. They do not deserve the benefit of the doubt, especially not in war time.
(3) Bombing the WTC and Pentagon was meant to send a message - that our most important symbols and cities are vulnerable and are being targeted for destruction.
The Muslim world already hates us because we are intelligent and hardworking and therefore rich, while they are lazy and stupid and therefore poor. Kissing their butts will not make them love us. Complementing Islam while failing to adopt it will not make them love us. They will only perceive this as weakness and self-hatred - which it is.
Destroying their symbols, like Mecca and Medina will scare them to death. It will also break them psychologically - since they believe that the demon they worship will never permit these places to be harmed. The basis of their religious mania will be shaken.
(4) Mohammed doesn't have a grave - Muslims believe he ascended directly into a celestial harem.
Europe survived Muslim attack in the VIIIth century. Not because Europeans were wealthier or had more troops. Europe survived because they were absolutely ruthless to the enemies who threatened them. That ruthlessness served them well - Europe grew to become a great and powerful civilization by expelling the Muslim Fifth Column in Spain and destroying it.
We need to follow strategies that work, not hand-holding multicultural failures.
Despite this highly illogical and racist comment, your position should not be considered racist?