You hit the nail on the head though: the Saudis believe they can defy us because they know we need their oil. They don't understand that our tolerance has limits.
As more and more Americans can see, the Saudis are more than just part of the problem, they are the source of the Terrorist problem, with Wahhabism and their support of terrorists. They have to go. The questions are only when and how to do it without disrupting our economies fatally.
Actually, we CAN. There is a new (sort of) nuclear technology called 'Pebble Bed" that will allow relatively inexpensive 'cookie cutter' reactors to be built with no chance of a melt-down (not that this has been a true threat, but people think that it is). These reactors could be built throughout the fifty states with the goal of moving from hydrocarbon-based power generation to a clean production. Once enough of our power generation is nuclear-based, electric vehicles become a reality.
Result? Cleaner air, cheaper transportation, and NO reliance on outside sources of petrochemicals.
Of course, we will have to get a grip on the enviromental lawyer types and their obstructionist lawsuits.
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