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Hell has expanded
10-08-01 | Wiley Drake

Posted on 10/08/2001 4:25:00 PM PDT by Wiley Sr

I want to be the first one to write about the relationship between the U.S. attack on Islam and the earthquake that hit California at the same time. Local radio announced that California had a 3.0 earthquake at 10:31, the same time of the attack on Islam. Islam will, of course, say God, their god Allah, sent a message to America.

I believe God, the real God, did send a message to America.

Here is the real message that God was sending... For those of you who believe as I do, that Hell is in the middle of the earth, I offer this Word from Wiley. Notice I said from Wiley, not God. However, I do believe the Holy spirit of God gave me this:

1. Many people believe that Hell is in the middle of the earth.

2. Matthew teaches that Hell was and is prepared for the devil and his angels, not believers. Matthew 25:41

3. Isaiah said that when sinners were punished of God, "Therefore hell hath enlarged herself" Isa. 5:14

4. In order for Hell to be enlarged to receive lost dead people from the attack on Islam, the earth would need to be expanded also.

5. Expansion of the earth's crust and plates cause earthquakes, according to the experts.

God was sending a message, "I'm making room for all those who will die having denied Jesus as Lord and Savior." As this war goes on, it will not surprise me if we have more earthquakes, allowing Hell to enlarge itself.

We need to witness and pray for all of Islam, that they will receive Jesus before it is eternally too late. We also need to remind all sinners that God does not want them to go to Hell, and indeed there is no room for them in Hell, even up to their death. On the other hand, 2000 years ago, Jesus said that He was preparing a place in Heaven for everyone.

The question is simple, to Islam and everyone else: Do you want to go to a place being prepared for you in Heaven by Jesus, or move in, at that last minute, to a Hell that must be enlarged to receive you?

We must pray as we have never prayed before, the time is short, and I believe Jesus is on His way.

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To: P8riot
I am thinking, this was not a revelation just speculation. I agree no new revelation.
41 posted on 10/08/2001 5:27:17 PM PDT by Wiley Sr
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To: Wiley Sr
I don't go by a "denomination manual". I go by the Bible and
the scriptures and there's no mention of hell being
in the center of the earth.
42 posted on 10/08/2001 5:27:29 PM PDT by sonserae
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To: drstevej
I didn't drag God in I just read His Word, and the sign of the times. Why is it some think when you "get religion" your brain can't be used. People called Dr. Graham nuts when he talked about angels.
43 posted on 10/08/2001 5:31:41 PM PDT by Wiley Sr
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To: Wiley Sr
What denomination are you? I would guess, you are either:

b)Assemblies of God
c)Church of God
d)Baptist (any variation)

44 posted on 10/08/2001 5:33:00 PM PDT by P8riot
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To: RightWhale
Then why did God enlarge it?
45 posted on 10/08/2001 5:33:21 PM PDT by Wiley Sr
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To: Wiley Sr
You are a wack job!!

An estimated 50 MILLION people died during the years 1939-1945. According to your theory, the earth would have had to have about 25,000 9.0 earthquakes for hell to expand enough to fit everyone.

46 posted on 10/08/2001 5:33:43 PM PDT by AmericaUnited
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To: P8riot
Wrong, keep guessing.
47 posted on 10/08/2001 5:34:03 PM PDT by Wiley Sr
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To: Wiley Sr
I give up. Which?
48 posted on 10/08/2001 5:35:20 PM PDT by P8riot
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To: Wiley Sr
Many people believe that Hell is in the middle of the earth.

But then, other people believe there are muensters in the middle of the earth.

49 posted on 10/08/2001 5:36:00 PM PDT by Revolting cat!
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To: The KG9 Kid
I was in the '76 quake that hit Santa Barbara (actually I was in Solvang)...and while it derailed trains and moved bridges, all we felt was a really interesting 'tidal wave motion'. Of course, some of that 'motion' could have been due to all of the patrons of the restraunt trying to pack under the door that I had claim on, and it was perversely fun to be 'jammed', even under those circumstances...!-)
50 posted on 10/08/2001 5:37:42 PM PDT by beowolf
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To: Wiley Sr
I passed through hell on my way to Texas. It's called Little Rock. The only thing expanding (buckling) there is I-40.
51 posted on 10/08/2001 5:37:46 PM PDT by TADSLOS
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To: A CA Guy
Quick Instructions For Building An AFDB - Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

1) Get a five foot sheet of aluminum foil (standard one foot wide Reynolds Wrap brand will do nicely.)

2) Fold the sheet four times into five equal segments so that you end up with a 1x1 foot square, making sure that you fold over the dull side of the foil leaving the square shiny on both sides.

3) Use scissors to cut from one corner of the square to the center, making a straight line.

4) Bend the foil from one side of the cut under the other, making a slight cone. Again, make sure that the outside of the cone has a shiny side of the foil; this is VERY important.

5) Place the cone on your head and squash the top and sides to make it fit snugly.

6) Apply Scotch tape liberally making sure to secure the cut in the foil and any form-fitting creases made in step 5.

7) Use more tape to secure AFDB to your cranium.

A Note About The Shiny Side:
It can't be stressed enough how important it is to have the shiny side pointing out. This is needed because the shiny side is most reflective to psychotronic radiation, while the dull side can actually, in certain environmental conditions, absorb it. However, as is illustrated in the instructions above, it is also wise to complement this with a layer of foil pointing shiny side in.
This will keep your brain waves, which are also reflected by the shiny side, from being picked up by mind-reading equipment. There is a small number of aluminum foil researchers who believe that this may cause an alpha-wave harmonic to build up in the skull resulting in memory loss or pseudo-religious visions, but their findings have never been replicated by the aluminum foil research community at large.
Even if their findings are validated, the risk involved is small compared to the potential of mind-intrusion.

52 posted on 10/08/2001 5:43:03 PM PDT by fone
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To: Wiley Sr
Never mind. Jehovah's Witness right? Otherwise known as the Watchtower Tract and Bible Society.
53 posted on 10/08/2001 5:43:29 PM PDT by P8riot
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To: Wiley Sr
You said you believe God showed you this... that doesn't sound like personal speculation. Don't drag His name in on your speculation

-- You shall not take the Lord's name in vain. [Hebrew = make light of His name]

54 posted on 10/08/2001 5:46:04 PM PDT by drstevej
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To: Wiley Sr
God was sending a message, "I'm making room for all those who will die having denied Jesus as Lord and Savior." As this war goes on, it will not surprise me if we have more earthquakes, allowing Hell to enlarge itself.

Jeeze. What an imagination you've got!

55 posted on 10/08/2001 5:46:20 PM PDT by swampfox98
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To: fone
You crack me up
56 posted on 10/08/2001 5:50:24 PM PDT by P8riot
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To: fone
Oh my gosh! I just fell off my chair
in laughter! Thanks so much for that!
57 posted on 10/08/2001 5:52:38 PM PDT by sonserae
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To: Wiley Sr
Pastor Drake-

Do us a favor, good sir. Tend to the needy and homeless of Buena Park, and try not to redraw and demarcate the boundaries of the physical and spiritual world.

58 posted on 10/08/2001 5:55:52 PM PDT by StoneColdGOP
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To: swampfox98
When I was 5 years old, I had a big imagination too, and I got a little shovel, and I started to dig to that place, for I wanted to see, just a peep!..."So shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire." Matthew 13:40-42. "The word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day." John 12:48. ...Sinners will be cast into hellfire at the great judgment day at the end of the world - not when they die. God would not punish a person in fire until his case was tried and decided in court at the end of the world. Nor would God burn a murderer who died 5,000 years ago, 5,000 years longer than one who dies and deserves punishment for the same sin today. ....."But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." Revelation 21:8... The wicked die the second death in hellfire. If the wicked lived forever being tortured in hell, they would be immortal. But this is impossible, because the Bible says God "only hath immortality." 1 Timothy 6:16. When Adam and Eve were driven from the Garden of Eden, an angel was posted to guard the tree of life so that sinners would not eat of the tree and "live for ever." Genesis 3:22-24. The teaching that sinners are immortal in hell originated with Satan and is completely untrue. God prevented this when sin entered this earth by guarding the tree of life....... When and how will hellfire be kindled? "So shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man ... shall cast them into a furnace of fire." Matthew 13:40-42. "They went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them." Revelation 20:9. "The righteous shall be recompensed in the earth: much more the wicked and the sinner." Proverbs 11:31.......At the end of the world, God Himself will kindle hellfire. As the holy city comes down from God out of heaven (Revelation 21:2), the wicked attempt to capture it. At that time, God will rain down fire from heaven upon the earth, and it will devour the wicked. This fire is Bible hellfire. ....The Bible does not tell how long the wicked will be punished before receiving death in the fire. God does specifically state, however, that all will be punished according to their deeds. This means some will receive greater punishment than others, based upon their works..........."For behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch." "And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts." Malachi 4:1,3. ......"It is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell." Matthew 5:30. "Rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28. "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." Ezekiel 18:20. ..... The word "hell" is used 54 times in the Bible, and in oly 12 cases does it refer to "a place of burning." The word "hell" is translated from several different words with various meanings, as indicated below: IN THE OLD TESTAMENT 31 times from "Sheol," which means "the grave". IN THE NEW TESTAMENT 10 times from "Hades," which means "the grave". 12 times from "Gehenna," which means "the place of burning." 1 time from "Tartarus," which means "a place of darkness." 54 TIMES TOTAL Answer: Sinners will be cast into hellfire at the great judgment day at the end of the world - not when they die. God would not punish a person in fire until his case was tried and decided in court at the end of the world. Nor would God burn a murderer who died 5,000 years ago, 5,000 years longer than one who dies and deserves punishment for the same sin today.
59 posted on 10/08/2001 6:04:14 PM PDT by tessalu
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To: tessalu
Only one problem. Time is not a point of reference in eternity. This is an assumtion on my part, I know, but I believe that the point can be made, but not neccessarily supported as no one has actually measured it. So if as I assume time is no reference, then it really doesn't make any difference whether a murderer went to Hell 5,000 years ago, or yesterday, the sentence would be the same.

As to the trial at the end of time. If time is no reference then that could've already occured as well.

60 posted on 10/08/2001 6:36:57 PM PDT by P8riot
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