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World Net Daily ^ | 10/08/01 | Joseph Farah

Posted on 10/07/2001 11:43:07 PM PDT by abigail2

The real bin Laden
by Joseph Farah

I just finished a book I consider a must-read for every American who wants to understand our common enemy in this terror war.

After reading Yossef Bodansky's "Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America," I fear our leaders may be seriously underestimating the capabilities of this terrorist leader.

Read it and you will no longer have any doubts that this war has been waged against us for a long time. Only on Sept. 11 did most Americans wake up to the threat that has been looming for years. This has been, until now, a totally one-sided war.

What do I mean?

I mean I am now 100 percent convinced that bin Laden operatives were behind the downing of TWA Flight 800 and the Oklahoma City federal building bombing, as well as with the terrorist acts U.S. officials have previously charged him – the bombing of the USS Cole, the Khobar Towers bombing and the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

Osama bin Laden is one capable terrorist. But he is much more than that.

Bin Laden has worked throughout his terrorist career with many state sponsors – including, but not limited to, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan and Afghanistan. So cunning is this mastermind of terror that he successfully bridged the ideological and religious gap between Sunnis and Shiites, he successfully brought together in partnership Iran and Iraq despite their bloody differences that resulted in a war that killed more than 1 million people, and he successfully has won the hearts and minds of millions of radical Muslims worldwide.

The worst mistake we could make is to underestimate him and the vastness of his terrorist cabal, which includes many of our so-called allies in this war.

Bodansky reported in this prophetic book, first published in 1999 and republished quickly following the Sept. 11 attacks, bin Laden's goals of destroying U.S. airliners and other strategic and civilian targets. His No. 1 enemy is the United States. How U.S. intelligence agencies could have missed this threat is hard to understand. All they had to do was read Bodansky's book to have a complete understanding of what makes him tick and how he operates.

This is going to be a tougher fight than the West faced with communism. Mutually assured destruction will not work as a deterrent. They will stop only when their ultimate goal is achieved or they are all dead.

What is their ultimate goal? World domination by the kind of Islamic radicalism we see in the Taliban Afghan regime or in Sudan or in Iran.

"We believe that God used our holy war in Afghanistan to destroy the Russian army and the Soviet Union … and now we ask God to use us one more time to do the same to America, to make it a shadow of itself," bin Laden told an interviewer in 1977.

They have been working on this plan diligently for years. Beginning in the mid-1990s, bin Laden's operatives and closest allies began establishing a terrorist infrastructure right here in the United States.

Right under our noses, Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Laden's right-hand man, established residency in California, setting up terrorist networks, making key contacts and laundering funds to be used in this war against us.

Let's assume there are, as Muslims claim, some 7 million Islamic followers in the U.S. Is it inconceivable that 10 percent of them are sympathetic to bin Laden's goals? That's an army of 700,000. But maybe that's too many. Let's suppose it's only 1 percent. That's a fifth column of 70,000. But let's be really, really conservative and say it's only .1 percent. That's 7,000 potential operatives living right here in the USA.

No wonder there are those in government who admit the chances of further dramatic terrorist attacks on the U.S. are 100 percent.

While I hope and pray the attacks on Afghanistan inflicted heavy, irreparable damage to bin Laden's death machine in Afghanistan, I fear this war is just beginning. I fear America is woefully unprepared for what's coming. And I pray that our leaders and the citizens of the United States will read this book and begin to understand the danger this foe presents to our civilization and way of life

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Well, I pray that GW has read this, or Cheney...
1 posted on 10/07/2001 11:43:07 PM PDT by abigail2
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To: ouroboros, ChaseR, Fabian, Cortez,dennisw, Mercuria, Hangfire, Goldilucky
2 posted on 10/07/2001 11:46:30 PM PDT by abigail2
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To: ALOHA RONNIE, Be-baw, mcollins, heisenburger, manny festo, Landru, Mudboy slim, Patipie
3 posted on 10/07/2001 11:49:36 PM PDT by abigail2
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To: abigail2
They (terrorists) will stop only when their ultimate goal is achieved or they are all dead.

To all the men and women in our military... Your mission is defined. The objectives are clear. Your goal is just... We will not waver, we will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail.--President George W. Bush

I think he did read the book.

4 posted on 10/07/2001 11:55:57 PM PDT by World'sGoneInsane
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To: xm177e2, Lavaroiise, SamAadams76, reformjoy, Freebird Forever, willyone, abwehr
5 posted on 10/07/2001 11:56:26 PM PDT by abigail2
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To: World'sGoneInsane, dreamweaver, retribution44,
God Bless and Keep America
6 posted on 10/07/2001 11:58:53 PM PDT by abigail2
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To: World'sGoneInsane, dreamweaver, retribution44, summer
God Bless and Keep America and God Bless and guide President Bush.
7 posted on 10/08/2001 12:01:26 AM PDT by abigail2
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To: abigail2
This is what I've been thinking all along. That we have many enemies among us.

They have been extremely patient and have taken years to plan. One should never under estimate their enemy.

8 posted on 10/08/2001 12:01:35 AM PDT by Vicki
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To: abigail2
This 1995 documentary includes previously unknown videos of the clandestine activities of
radical Islamic terrorist groups operating in the United States since the 80's,
and featured interviews with moderate Muslims and federal counter-terrorism officials
speaking for the first time about the magnitude of the threat posed by militant Muslim groups on U.S. soil.

This is a must see documentary that is 1 hour long but plays thru streaming video on RealPlayer
so you don't have to wait for it to load on your computer.

FBI Website

America's Most Wanted website

Call the FBI Toll Free at 1-866-483-5137
if you see or hear anything that threatens our national security.

9 posted on 10/08/2001 12:01:44 AM PDT by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
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To: abigail2
I should think they know Bodansky.

Yossef Bodansky is the Director of the Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare of the U. S. Congress, as well as the World Terrorism Analyst with the Freeman Center for Strategic Studies (Houston TX). He is a contributing editor of Defense and Foreign Affairs; Strategic Policy, the author of three books (Target America, terror, and crisis in Korea), several book chapters, and numerous articles in several periodicals including Global Affairs, JANE's Defence Weekly, Defense and Foreign Affairs; Strategic Policy, Business Week. In the 1980s, he acted as a senior consultant for the Department of Defense and the Department of State.

10 posted on 10/08/2001 12:01:55 AM PDT by Nogbad
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Comment #11 Removed by Moderator

To: abigail2
I mean I am now 100 percent convinced that bin Laden operatives were behind the downing of TWA Flight 800

I'm not. I think that's one conspiracy theory Rivero (and others) nailed. Although IMO he's WAY out of line on his WTC crap.

The case against a terrorist missile.
Was TWA 800 shot down by a military missile?

12 posted on 10/08/2001 12:04:46 AM PDT by KillerWabbit
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To: WH42, bcoffey, Incindiary
13 posted on 10/08/2001 12:05:00 AM PDT by abigail2
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To: abigail2
Major BUMP.
14 posted on 10/08/2001 12:05:33 AM PDT by mercy
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To: Joe Hadenuf, haverf, onedoug, Rondog, Generalissimoduane, Doug From Upland, L,Towm, livefree
15 posted on 10/08/2001 12:10:20 AM PDT by abigail2
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To: abigail2
Let's assume there are, as Muslims claim, some 7 million Islamic followers in the U.S. Is it inconceivable that 10 percent of them are sympathetic to bin Laden's goals? That's an army of 700,000. But maybe that's too many. Let's suppose it's only 1 percent. That's a fifth column of 70,000. But let's be really, really conservative and say it's only .1 percent. That's 7,000 potential operatives living right here in the USA.

It takes far less than even 7,000 to wreak havoc, as we have already witnessed. Several writers have predicted this; namely Daniel Pipes, Steven Emerson and Stanislav Lunev.

All of this "peaceful, good American" crap must end immediately. It should be replaced with: "we now consider every middle east or muslim person in the US, who is not a citizen, to be a potential threat. Please provide your local police with contact information, name, address, description."

Is that going too far? In my town, I was told the police were given a briefing about the national emergency, several days ago. When I talked to officers years ago about illegal immigrants, they said it was a federal matter.

Now, I'm told, it isn't seen that way. I'm interested to learn if anyone else has talked to local police.

16 posted on 10/08/2001 12:14:55 AM PDT by truth_seeker
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To: abigail2
Yes, in many ways we are unprepared. One has to start somewhere. We started September 11th.

What does Farah suggest we do about those 7 million Muslims here?

17 posted on 10/08/2001 12:18:29 AM PDT by DB
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To: DB
You sound mad at Farah! Are you in the mood to shoot the messinger?
18 posted on 10/08/2001 12:21:26 AM PDT by abigail2
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Comment #19 Removed by Moderator

To: truth_seeker
Rabid Dogs, The Ebola virus, The plague and Terrorists

Read this for some ideas what to do (if you don't mind a little self promoting)

20 posted on 10/08/2001 12:25:58 AM PDT by abigail2
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