Jesus would need only have said that Peter was the Petra now. He didn't say that, nor could he say that. And it is illustrated in the fact that not once in the entire new testament is Peter referenced after this point with the Greek word Petra. That word is reserved, and not for Peter.
Peter was called Petros prior to this event, and he was called Petros after this event. Cephas is equivelant to Petros. It is not, however, equivelant to Petra. Therefore, trying to hide behind the word 'Cephas' is about as effective as a 300 pound man trying to hide behind a toothpick.
Why would a man be named something feminine? Wouldn't it be more fitting to just use the masculine ending. I wouldn't call a girl "Michael," I'd use "Michelle." But she would still be named after the Archangel.
Peter was called Petros prior to this event, and he was called Petros after this event. Cephas is equivelant to Petros. It is not, however, equivelant to Petra.
Oh do tell. So Cephas is Aramaic for "small rock?"