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To: newzjunkey
Why do Muslim extremists act this way?

Are Muslims inherently inhumane, savage and evil?- of course not. Muslims are ordinary people, just like anybody else. They are fathers, brothers and sons. They could be doctors, engineers and lawyers. They are your co-workers, and your next door neighbors. Violence is committed by a minority of Muslim extremists.

So, what goes on their minds when they act violently?

To understand this one must understand an important and dangerous Islamic teaching called "Jihad" ( or Holy war).

It is important to understand that not every Arab is a Muslim , not every Muslim is an Arab, and not every Muslim is a extremist. We are not trying to attack a group of people here, nor are we trying to attack a religion. We are only exposing a teaching in a religion that could have a serious effect on society.

It is also important to know that in exercising Jihad, Muslim extremists may not think they are trying to maliciously hurt others, but rather they are only obeying God's commandments. And in doing so, they are assuring themselves a place in Paradise.

Jihad (Holy War)

Jihad is one of many sacred duties Muslims perform. The word "Jihad" is an Arabic word which means "struggle". Jihad can mean striving to be a better Muslim, but it can also mean fighting in the name of Allah. In this sense Jihad is the struggle for the cause of spreading Islam, using all means available to Muslims, including force. This kind of Jihad is often referred to as "Holy War".

In resorting to force, Muslims will not have any problem finding passages in the Quran (believed by Muslims to be Allah's word), and the Hadith (Mohammed's sayings as recorded by Al Bukhari), that will not only condone violence, but will also demand it.

Jihad in the "Quran"

Allah orders Muslims in the Quran to terrorize non-Muslims on His behalf:

"Strike terror (into the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies" Surah 8:60

"Fight (kill) them (non-Muslims), and Allah will punish (torment) them by your hands, cover them with shame" Surah 9:14

"I will instil terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them It is not ye who slew them; it was Allah" Surah 8:12, 17.

Jihad in the "Hadith"

In the Hadith Mohammed also urges Muslims to practice Jihad.

Mohammed once was asked: what is the best deed for the Muslim next to believing in Allah and His Apostle? His answer was :

"To participate in Jihad in Allah's cause" Al Bukhari vol. 1:25

Mohammed was quoted as saying:

"I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, none has the right to be worshipped but Allah" Al Bukhari vol. 4:196

Mohammed also said:

"The person who participates in (Holy Battles) in Allah's cause and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Allah and His Apostle, will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty (if he survives) or will be admitted to paradise (if he is killed)." Al Bukhari vol. 1:35.

Mohammed: an Example

When the ‘prophet' of Islam started preaching his new religion in Mecca, he was conciliatory to Christians and Jews. He told them: "We believe in what has been sent down to us and sent down to you, our God is the same as your God" Surah 29:45. This attitude changed completely after he gained strength. Allah then tells him to:

"Fight People of the Book (Christians and Jews), who do not accept the religion of the truth (Islam), until they pay tribute (penalty tax) by hand, being inferior." Surah 9:29

Regarding Christians and Jews, it seems that Mohammed hated the Jews more. During his life time, Mohammed devoted much of his efforts to get rid of the Jews: "You (Jews) should know that the earth belongs to Allah and his apostle, and I want to expel you from this land (the Arabian Peninsula), so, if anyone owns property, he is permitted to sell it" Mohammed was quoted.

At that time there were in Medina three Jewish tribes. Two of them, the Qaynqa and the Bani-al-Nudair tribes, were besieged by Mohammed's men, blocking their access to food supplies, until they surrendered on Mohammed's terms, which were that their lives would be spared, that they must emigrate from Medina, and that they must deposit all their belongings at a certain place for distribution among Muslims.

The third tribe, Bani Qurayza, was not as lucky. After the War of the Trench , in which Mohammed was besieged by the Qurayshites led, by Abu Sofyan, it was alleged that Bani Qurayza agreed to provide help from within to Abu Sofyan's forces. Although the alleged help did not materialize and the siege eventually ended, nevertheless, Mohammed never forgave them for their willingness to help his enemies.

Muslims turned against Bani Qurayza and blocked their streets for twenty five days. The Jewish tribe expressed readiness to accept the surrender terms which had been conceded to the other two Jewish tribes, namely cession of their belongings and departure with safe conduct.

Mohammed, however, would not consent to this, and instead appointed as an arbiter Saad iben Moaz, a man who was known to be on bad terms with Bani Qurayza. Saad ruled that all Bani Qurayza's men should be beheaded, that the women and children should be sold as slaves, and that all their property should be divided among the Muslims. Trenches were dug in the bazaar of Medina for disposal of the nine hundred Jewish bodies whom Mohammed had spent the night slaughtering. (See Ibn Hisham: The Prophet's Biography ; vol. 2 pages 40 & 41)

If Islam Ruled America

Islam is more than a religion; It is a comprehensive way of life. The Quran (believed by Muslims to be God's word), and the Hadith (Mohammed's sayings as recorded by Al Bukhari), prescribe numerous regulations governing every aspect of the social, political, economical, as well as religious life. The belief that "Islam is a religion and a state" is an integral part of the Islamic religion.

Let's examine what Islam would do if it ruled America. What would happen to the values and institutions that we hold dear?

First: Liberty

The United States was built on the Bill of Rights, established by the founding fathers who came here to escape religious oppression. The Constitution gives citizens the right to express themselves as they please, to criticize the president if they believe he is wrong, to worship in the way they want and to act in any way they see appropriate as long as they don't violate the rights of others.

What would happen to this freedom in an Islamic state? Would the citizens be granted the right to choose the religion they want, or would they be forced into Islam according to the Quranic verse: "If any one desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him, and in the hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost." (Surah 3:85). How about the right of a Muslim to change his own religion? Would he be given this right or would he be punished according to the apostasy rule which states that such a person should be punished by death? Mohammed said "Whoever changes his religion, kill him." Al Bukhari Vol. 9:57

Do Muslim activists want us to have the same rights granted to the citizens of an Islamic country such as Saudi Arabia, where women are not allowed to drive an automobile and no one can worship openly according to any religion other than Islam? Do they want us to be ruled by a ruler such as Khomeini, who issued an order to murder a writer, Salman Rushdie, just because he dared to criticize Islam ? Even in a moderate Islamic state such as Egypt, Christians have to obtain a presidential decree to be able to build a church,or even to repair a toilet in a church. They face discrimination in all aspects of their lives, including education, employment and promotions.

Second: Democracy

Our present system in the USA gives the citizens the right to rule themselves, to write the laws that will govern their lives, to decide the amount of taxes to be collected from them and how it will be spent.

One important principle in this great system is the separation of church and state. Islam, however, is built on an opposing concept, for "Islam is a religion and a state." According to Islam, the Quran is the principal source of legislation: "We have sent down to thee the book in truth, that you might judge men as guided by God." (Surah 4:105). If the Quran is the law, what are some of the rules and regulations that will be imposed? Here are just a few examples:

Stealing: punished by hand amputation (Surah 5:38)

Adultery: punished by public flogging (Surah 24:2)

Drinking: punished by 40 or 80 lashes (Al Bukhari 8:77

Resisting Islam: punished by death, crucifixion or the cutting off of the hands and feet (Surah 5:33)

Prisons in Muslim countries are known to be centers of torture rather than rehabilitation.

Third: Equality

Under our system in the United States, there should be no discrimination among citizens based on sex, color, religion or race. Would Islam treat men and women equally when:

It teaches that men are superior to women (Surah 2:228)

It gives men double the share of the women in inheritance? (Surah 4:11)

It gives the man double the value of a woman's witness in court? (Surah 2:282)

Would Islam treat non-Muslims fairly when:

The Quran calls on Muslims not to befriend Jews or Christians? (Surah 9:30)

The Quran imposes "Jizya" (tribute tax) on Christians and Jews that will be collected only from them and not from Muslims? (Surah 9:29)

Mohammed says that a Muslim may not be killed if he kills a non- Muslim." No Muslim should be killed for killing a kafir (infidel or non- Muslim)."
Al Bukhari Vol. 9:50

Could Islam someday rule America?

Islam is the fastest growing religion in America. Today, the number of followers of Islam in the United States has reached 4 to 6 millions. It is a matter of time before Islam will become the religion of the majority. America, then will be labeled an " Islamic country ", ruled by the "Quran" and the "Hadith" or what Muslims call Sharia (The Islamic code of ethics)

"They do blaspheme who say Allah is one of three in a Trinity, for there is no god except One Alah". Surah 5:73

"And behold! God will say: O Jesus the son of Mary didst thou say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah? He (Jesus) will say: Glory to thee, never could I say what I had no right (to say)". Surah 5:116

"(Both) the Jews and the Christians say, 'We are sons of Allah and His beloved'. Say: why then doth He punish you for your sins? Nay, you are but men of the men He has created". Surah 5:18

"O People of the book! Commit no excess in your religion: nor say of Allah aught but truth, Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an apostle of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him. So believe in Allah and His apostles. Say not 'Trinity': desist! It will be better for you. For Allah is One Allah. Glory be to Him: (Far exalted is He) above having a son." Surah 4:171

"In blasphemy indeed are those that say that Allah is Christ the son of Mary. Say: who then hath the least power against Allah if His will were to destroy Christ the son of Mary, his mother, and all - everyone that is on earth? For to Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is in between... For Allah hath power over all things." Surah 5:17

"O people of the book (Christians) commit no excess in your religion: nor say of God aught but truth, Christ Isa the son of Mary was (No more than) an apostle of God." Surah 4: 171

"That they said (in boast) "we killed Christ Isa, the son of Mary"...but they killed him not, nor crucified him." Surah 4:157

"That they said (in boast), . We killed Christ Jesus, the Son of Mary. ,,,but they killed him not, nor crucified him." Surah 4:157

"Then We (God) sent to her Our Angel (in the original: Our spirit), and he appeared before her as a man in all respects." Surah 19:17

"Say the Holy Spirit (The Angel Gabriel) has brought the revelation from thy Lord in truth." Surah 16:102


In theory Allah in the Quran has 99 names or attributes such as: Omniscient, Omnipotent, Sublime, Living, Everlasting, Holy, Light, Creator, Powerful...etc. In reality, however, the Quran paints a picture of Allah that in many ways resembles Mohammed's own personality.

Whatever Mohammed wanted, Allah wanted for him. However Mohammed reacted, Allah reacted for him. Aisha, (one of Mohammed's 13 wives) was quoted as saying to Mohammed scornfully:

"O Allah's Apostle, I do not see but that your Lord hurries in pleasing you." Al-Bukhari Vol 7:48

Here are just a few examples: When Abu Lahab criticized Mohammed, telling him, . Perish you, Mohammed! Did you invite us here for this?, Allah immediately sends down Surah 111 to condemn both Abu Lahab and his wife.

"Perish the hands of the Father of Flane (Abu Lahab). Burnt soon will he be in fire of blazing flame. His wife shall carry the wood as fuel."

When Al Walid Ibn Almoghira and Omaya Ibn Khalaf mocked Mohammed and boasted of their wealth, Allah sends down Surah 104 rebuking them.

"Woe to every (kind of) scandal-monger and backbiter who pileth up wealth and layeth it by, thinking that wealth would make last forever. He will be sure to be thrown into the fire (of the wrath) of Allah kindled (to a blaze)."

When Mohammed fell in love with Zaynab, wife of his adopted son (Zaid), God approved of divorcing her from Zaid and joined her in marriage to Mohammed: -

"Then, when Zaid had dissolved (his marriage) with her We joined her in marriage to thee, in order that there might be no difficulty to the believers in marriage to wives of their adopted sons." Surah 33:37

When Mohammed's wives demanded higher allowances out of the booty taken from the massacred Banu Qorayza Jewish tribe, God settled it by telling the wives to either be content with their present allowance or face divorce. (See Surah 33:28 & 29)

When Hafsa caught Mohammed, in her bed, making love to his concubine Mariya, Mohammed tried to please angry Hafsa by promising her that he will stay away from Mariya. At this point Allah intervenes in Mohammed's behalf: -

"O Prophet why holdest thou to be forbidden that which God has made lawful to thee? Thou seekest to please thy consorts. But Allah is oft forgiving, most merciful." Surah 66:1

Islam teaches revenge.

"If any one transgress the prohibition against you, transgress likewise against him." Surah 2:194

Islam does not treat women and men as equal.

"To the male a portion equal to that of two females." Surah 4:11

Islam allows men to beat their wives.

"... As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds, beat them ." Surah 4:34

Islam imposes harsh punishment on wrongdoers.

*A thief is punished by the amputation of hands. Surah 5:38
*A drunk is punished by 80 lashes. Hadith vol. 8:770
*An adulterer is punished by 100 lashes. Surah 24:2

Islam must be imposed by force, if necessary.

"And fight them on, until there is no more tumult (seduction) or oppression, and there prevail justice, and faith in God (and the religion becomes Islam)." Surah 2:193

Apostasy from Islam is punishable by death.

"Whoever changes his (Islamic) religion, kill him." Hadith vol. 9:5

Terrorism is the only way.

"And if you are slain, or die in the way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all they could amass." Surah 3:157

4 posted on 10/01/2001 12:42:08 PM PDT by freedom_from_socialism
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To: freedom_from_socialism, Illbay, American Soldier, Hoplite, vooch, Putnik_1915, Travis McGee, Lent
I like to use the words of Muslims rather than spinning it. See how in this article Muslims view conquests of non-Muslims as liberating them.

The Liberation of Constantinople

[This article was published in the 14th issue of Nida'ul Islam magazine (, July-September 1996]

Narrated `Abdullah Bin Bashar Al Khath`amy according to his father that he heard the prophet (peace and blessings upon him) saying: "You will liberate Constantinople, blessed is the Amir who is its Amir, and blessed is the army, that army." (narrated by Imam Ahmad)

In this manner fell the city of Heracle which stood stubbornly in front of the Muslims for eight centuries... So they entered it erasing the Bizantine government opening the doors of Europe for the call of Islam. They recorded a white page in our history, realising the promise of the messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) as when he was asked which of the two cities would be liberated first, Constantinople or Rome, he said: "The city of Heracle (i.e. Constantinople) would be liberated first." [Ahmad, authenticated by Al Albany].

By Br. Muhammad El-Halaby

15 posted on 10/01/2001 1:04:08 PM PDT by Pericles
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To: randalcousins, Kate22, crazykatz, bluester, Torie, Hamiltonian, Gael, cicero
I like to use the words of Muslims rather than spinning it. See how in this article Muslims view conquests of non-Muslims as liberating them.

The Liberation of Constantinople

[This article was published in the 14th issue of Nida'ul Islam magazine (, July-September 1996]

Narrated `Abdullah Bin Bashar Al Khath`amy according to his father that he heard the prophet (peace and blessings upon him) saying: "You will liberate Constantinople, blessed is the Amir who is its Amir, and blessed is the army, that army." (narrated by Imam Ahmad)

In this manner fell the city of Heracle which stood stubbornly in front of the Muslims for eight centuries... So they entered it erasing the Bizantine government opening the doors of Europe for the call of Islam. They recorded a white page in our history, realising the promise of the messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) as when he was asked which of the two cities would be liberated first, Constantinople or Rome, he said: "The city of Heracle (i.e. Constantinople) would be liberated first." [Ahmad, authenticated by Al Albany].

By Br. Muhammad El-Halaby

19 posted on 10/01/2001 1:09:26 PM PDT by Pericles
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To: freedom_from_socialism
The citations "proving" that the Koran requires Muslims to kill non-Muslims reminded me of the following exchange that occurred on a different thread: Got me to wondering about the context of the quotations presented by freedom_from_socialism. Any Koran students know?

(Chuckmorse wrote)"Islam views the world as divided between the "Dar es Salaam" or the House of Peace, which is Islamic, and the "Dar el-Harb" or the House of War, which is non-Islamic." (Chuckmorse)

(John Locke responded)"That should be, respectively, Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb."

(John Locke continued)"And what about this quotation?

"When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters (non-Muslims) wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. If they repent (convert) and take to prayer and render the alms levy, allow them to go their way. God is forgiving and merciful." Sura 9:5

(John Locke says further)"Well, let's look at the context. Here is the verse above: at-Taubah 9:4: "Excepting those of the idolaters with whom ye (Muslims) have a treaty, and who have since abated nothing of your right nor have supported anyone against you. (As for these), fulfil their treaty to them till their term. Lo! Allah loveth those who keep their duty."

"In other words, you attack only those "infidel" who have broken their treaties or who have supported your enemies. Again,I doubt any Freeper would object.

(Jon Locke continues)"The sura continues:

at-Taubah 9:7: "And if anyone of the idolaters seeketh thy protection (O Muhammad), then protect him so that he may hear the Word of Allah, and afterward convey him to his place of safety. That is because they are a folk who know not."

(John Locke says)"Gee, Islam actually calls for protecting the "infidels" in your power and giving them safe conduct. Who'da thunk it?:"

at-Taubah 9:7 "How can there be a treaty with Allah and with His messenger for the idolaters save those with whom ye made a treaty at the Inviolable Place of Worship ? So long as they are true to you, be true to them. Lo! Allah loveth those who keep their duty."

(John Locke says)"Again, Moslems are told to keep their agreements with "infidels". The Koran requires formal treaties to be made in a Place of Worship, as a further reminder that they are sacred.

"As in any religion, there are fools, fanatics, and criminals. But Mr Morse (who evidently knows no Arabic) is here clearly distorting what the Koran teaches by his selective (and inaccurate) quotation. And I'm sure this is deliberate."

17 Posted on 09/23/2001 20:17:09 PDT by John Locke

20 posted on 10/01/2001 1:09:36 PM PDT by Tamly
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To: freedom_from_socialism
27 posted on 10/01/2001 1:29:19 PM PDT by A. Pole
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To: freedom_from_socialism
Interesting post, but what it's from?
65 posted on 10/01/2001 2:36:52 PM PDT by my_pointy_head_is_sharp
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To: freedom_from_socialism
"Allah" is not the God of the Jews and Christians. It is a great deception that has been poured out and believed by many, including the Pope. But do not be deceived. Hasn't anyone ever wondered about the moon symbol on Arabic flags and emblems? Allah is the god of the moon. Mohammed was instructed by an "Angel" (Satan is known as a "being of light") to destroy all 360 temples in Mecca EXCEPT for the temple to Allah, the moon god.
74 posted on 10/01/2001 3:17:26 PM PDT by DallasDeb
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To: freedom_from_socialism
Is the Surah in the Koran? I did a search at The Koran and couldn't find these references.
144 posted on 10/02/2001 4:36:04 AM PDT by RushingWater
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