To: 68 grunt
Don't take a condescending tone....I've served over 11 years in the Corps and have red ink in my log book. I am exceptionally aware of the band of brothers atmosphere, and had exceptional bonds with my combat crew.
On the other hand, perhaps you need to go back to my prior post and try rereading it a little slower (using your attitude....if you need help with the big numbers, it was post 371). I explicitely stated that until social consciousness and preferential treatment changes in our society (not likely any time soon), it would not work well.
In a nutshell, make sure you read the full post, and not just focus in on a sentence or two. Semper Fi!
To: Justin Thyme
Besides returning my condescention you didn't address my points. What was your combat experience? is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson