I know I should be more careful with the verb blow when discussing the Klingons, but it BLOWS ME AWAY that former first b**ch, Hitlery, has the balls (which I suspect she DOES!) to say ANYTHING during this time inasmuch it was her fellow criminal, Bill, who laid the groundwork for this outrage.
Did you happen to catch CNNs Judy Woodruff interview withTom Clancy on the evening of 9/11?
Tom brought up the subject of the CLINTON decimation of US HUMAN INTELLIGENCE capabilities that going all the way back to Sun Tsu, SPIES are a necessary part of the information gathering process. He mentioned that if wed had a few spies and spooks out there in this increasingly dangerous world, we MIGHT have gotten one of them close to the perpetrator and been able to interdict the MURDER of perhaps 15,000 Americans in the incredible tragedy we witnessed this morning.
I think its safe to say that Clancy knows a bit about the subjects on which he writes.
Tom then tagged CNN by name as one of the news agencies which greeted Clintons decimation of the intelligence community with approval, continuing to say that they COULD have spoken out TO OPPOSE HIM but failed to do so. Toms rather clear implication was that CNN played a role in todays catastrophe.
Judy VISIBLY RECOILED and quickly concluded the interview after babbling something about journalists never taking positions on such matters. Her expression made it clear that she was NOT happy with Tom.
Clancy was RIGHT ON THE MARK and until we DO beef up those assets, its gonna happen again and probably sooner than later.
And do you suppose there is some sinister significance to the fact that this happened on 9-11 (911!)? Are these people THAT sick? Dont bother responding as that was a rhetorical question.
Lets all pray and shed a tear or two -- for the lost firefighters, police officers, innocent citizens and their families. Until this is behind us, we must put aside as many of our partisan differences as our principles will allow.
And we must also pray that our precious Constitution does not become one of the first victims of this SICKENING and senseless act.
THE HORROR! THE H O R R O R!!!!!!!!!! CNNs anorexia poster girl Judy Woodruff interviewed withTom Clancy on the evening of 9/11?
Tom brought up the subject of the CLINTON decimation of US HUMAN INTELLIGENCE capabilities that going all the way back to Sun Tsu, SPIES are a necessary part of the information gathering process. He mentioned that if wed had a few spies and spooks out there in this increasingly dangerous world, we MIGHT have gotten one of them close to the perpetrator and been able to interdict the MURDER of perhaps 15,000 Americans in the incredible tragedy we witnessed this morning.
I think its safe to say that Clancy knows a bit about the subjects on which he writes.
Tom then tagged CNN by name as one of the news agencies that greeted Clintons decimation of the intelligence community with approval, continuing to say that they COULD have spoken out TO OPPOSE HIM but failed to do so. Toms rather clear implication was that CNN played a role in todays catastrophe.
Judy VISIBLY RECOILED and quickly concluded the interview. Her expression made it clear that she was NOT happy with Tom.
Clancy was RIGHT ON THE MARK and until we DO beef up those assets, its gonna happen again and probably sooner than later.
And do you suppose there is some sinister significance to the fact that this happened on 9-11 (911!)? Are these people THAT sick? Dont bother responding as that was a rhetorical question.
Lets all pray and shed a tear or two -- for the lost firefighters, police officers, innocent citizens and their families. Until this is behind us, we must put aside as many of our partisan differences as our principles will allow.
And we must also pray that our precious Constitution does not become one of the first victims of this SICKENING and senseless act.
Well, I guess that will be the last time CNN ever asks Tom Clancy for his opinion on anything.