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List of Information About Known /Suspected Terrorists
Various ^ | 09/28/01 | Lion's Cub

Posted on 09/28/2001 5:06:33 AM PDT by Lion's Cub

Since information about terrorist arrests is coming fast and furious, a couple of freepers have expressed interest in compiling a database to keep track of information about who these people are and what is known about them.

I am not a researcher and I have no idea how to set up such a database. I have been keeping my own file, however, for the last few days and am happy to share it. The list is mostly of names that have come up in the current investigation, but there are also some that I came across, who are not directly related to this investigation. I have placed the url of the article I took the info from beneath each "fact" or "set of facts" I found because I have no way of knowing whether the information is accurate. People can judge the accuracy of the information themselves.

** denotes that the terrorist died in the operation

Khalid al Draibi
Saudi man arrested the day of the attacks in suburban Washington, a few miles from Dulles International Airport, where one of the planes was hijacked. That plane later crashed into the Pentagon.
Attorney Drewry B. Hutcheson Jr. said his client, Khalid al Draibi, was stopped while driving with a flat tire near Manassas, Va.
Arrested for allegedly making a false statement that he was a U.S. citizen. Later told the FBI investigators he was a Saudi Arabian citizen," Hutcheson said. Client remained in detention.
Police near Birmingham said FBI questioned them recently about cabdriver with a similarly spelled name, Khalid Aldiribi, who they believed was being detained in Washington.
Hutcheson said he was unaware of the list but believed his client "did work and live for a period of time in Birmingham."
Said he knew of no connection between his client and Dulles airport or the hijackers there

Prince Turki Al Faisal
Former Saudi General Intelligence Chief fired by King Fahd for suspected ties to alleged Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden, the weekend before the Sept. 11 attacks on WTC & Pentagon."Gulf sources said Turki was dismissed for what appeared to be a variety of reasons. They said the royal court was unhappy with the investigation of the bombing campaign against Westerners late last year and earlier this year," said. Also, said Turki was close to Taliban militia government of Afghanistan which is suspected of hosting and protecting bin Laden, which rankled US. "For years, Turki pledged to lure bin Laden out of his Afghan hideout and into a trap set by the United States," reported. "When that promise failed to materialize, a crisis developed between Riyadh and Washington." Turki was Saudi Arabia's leading liaison to the Central Intelligence Agency in the U.S., European analysts told the digest.

Nageeb Abdul Jabar Mohamed Al-Hadi
On a Lufthansa flight from Germany to O'Hare International Airport when it was diverted to Toronto because of the hijackings. Being held by Canada. Tried to fly into Chicago with an illegal passport and airline uniforms on the day of the hijacking attacks (9/11/01).
Contract employee for the German airline. Travelling with ticket under a different name and carried three passports from Yemen, two of which had names different from his. Charged September 14 with possessing and attempting to use a false passport. US authorities plan to file extradition papers.
Each of the Yemeni passports he carried had a different number, different name and different date of issue, it said. Al-Hadi presented one of them, issued in Yemen on Sept. 2, to Canadian authorities. A receipt showed that he had acquired a visa from the U.S. Embassy in Yemen on that day.
Using a search warrant, the FBI also recovered a student identification card from the Yemeni Language Institute in Yemen, and a pair of pants that had a small piece of material sewn into the side of a pocket that had a sequence of English and Arabic numbers.

Ahmed Alghamdi
Identified as being on United #175 out of Boston, which hit the south tower in New York.

Nawaq Alhazmi **(9/11/01 attack) Aka Salem Alhamzi
One of the hijackers in 9/11/01 jetliner attack. On CIA/BI watch list a month before the attack.
Atta may have vistited him in Las Vegas & San Diego. Aboard American flight 77 from Washington Dulles to Los Angeles, which crashed into the Pentagon.
Aka Salem Alhamzi
Identified as being on AA#77 (leaving Washington Dulles), which crashed into Pentagon

Nabil Al-Marabh Arrested as material witness in attack 9/11/01. Arrested in Chicago. Had 5 Michigan drivers licenses. Associated w/bin Laden. Transferred from Chicago to NY 9/24/01.

Khalid Al-Midhar ** (9/11/01 attack)
One of the hijackers in 9/11/01 attack by civilian jetliners.Was on CIA/FBI watch list a month before the attack
(Source URL lost) videoed meeting other suspected EIJ members in Malaysia last year

Abdulaziz Alomari **
Believed to be trained pilot. Flew w/Atta sometime after 6AM from Portland, Maine ( Portland International Jetport) on US Airways and then made the American Flight 11 connection in Boston. Did not have bag to check. This group reported sprayed Noxious gas on passengers to discourage resistance.
Reportedly met in Europe w/senior Iraqi intelligence officer.

Dr Ayman Mohamed Rabie al- Zawahiri AKA Sami Mahmoud El-Hifnawi AKA Amin Othman
some say is Bin Laden's deputy and right-hand man. Prime Suspect No 2 for WTC & Pentagon attacks 9/11/01. On the FBI's most wanted list for the bombing of US embassies in east Africa in 1998. Leader of Egyptian Islamic Jihad.The most distinguished guest at the wedding of Bin Laden's son in the southern Afghan town of Kandahar January 2001, making the first speech at the ceremony. Ran from the Egyptian government in early 1990s, found refuge in various European countries. Believed to be central in brokering a coalition between EIJ, other Islamist groups, and Bin Laden's al-Qaida, a coalition that appears increasingly likely to have been behind the recent attacks in America.
Born, according to Egyptian records, on June 9 1951. Paediatrician. Gave up medical work to launch campaign of violence against Egyptian government. Implicated in wide range of attacks, from assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981 to east African bombings in 1998.
Some analysts believe in current role in Afghanistan, has taken control of much of Bin Laden's terrorist finances, operations, plans and resources, following assurance reportedly given by Bin Laden to the Taliban he would no longer engage in terrorist activities.
Illness is another reason given why Bin Laden may have ceded control. Bone marrow disease and kidney failure have been ascribed to him.
Al-Zawahiri stands beside Bin Laden and Atef at centre of bewildering network of Islamist groups. Egyptian Islamic Jihad has been linked with so-called Vanguards of Conquest movement and to a lesser degree with the Islamic Group of Egypt, who were behind the 1993 World Trade Centre attack.
Per US state department's Patterns of Global Terrorism 2000 report, al-Zawahiri appeared in video alongside Bin Laden, threatening retaliation against US for imprisonment of Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman in connection with the trade centre bombing(93). With leader of Islamic Group of Egypt, al-Zawahiri also signed Bin Laden's 1998 fatwa calling for general attacks against US civilians - he was second signatory after Bin Laden himself.
1997 Patterns of Global Terrorism report listed al-Zawahiri as leader of the Vanguards of Conquest group, said to be a faction of Egyptian Islamic Jihad. The Vanguards thought to be behind 1997 massacre of 70 people in Luxor, and assassination attempt against Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in 1995.
On US government indictment sheet for the embassy bombings, al-Zawahiri is listed third after Osama bin Laden and Atef as a co-conspirator in attacks in Nairobi and Dar-es-Salaam. In court proceedings relating to east African indictment, al-Zawahiri named one of the figures whose satellite telephone conversations were used as proof that Bin Laden was behind the plot.
In October 1997, according to transcript of recently concluded trial of those convicted of embassy bombings, British-based Islamist activist, Ibrahim Eidarous, sent message from London to Afghanistan asking al-Zawahiri to call mobile phone in London. Eidarous's associate, Abdel Bary, who was extradited from Britain to US along with him, was alleged to have owned phone. Both accused of circulating claim for responsibility for embassy bombings, and of being members of EIJ.
Al-Zawahiri also named in European legislation concerned with financial and other sanctions against Taliban, and in documents produced by US sanctioning body, the office for foreign assets control of the US Treasury. (The American documents list his date of birth as June 10 1951, and place of birth as Giza.)
February 24 1999, Cairo military court called for adeath penalty in absentia on al-Zawahiri during trial of 20 EIJ members extradited from Albania, after foiled attack on US consulate in Tirana.
In Afghanistan, al-Zawahiri apparently sometimes acted as Bin Laden's spokesman. The News, a Pakistan-based English-language paper, reportedly ran interview with him in 1998, in which he described bungled assassination attack in which he said Saudi intelligence had paid a man to kill Bin Laden.
Others have accused al-Zawahiri of being involved in assassinations. In 1995, Denmark's Jyllands-Posten newspaper reported Egyptian intelligence services suspected failed assassination attempt on Mr Mubarak that year had been planned by exiled Egyptian fundamentalists based in Denmark, including the Vanguards of Conquest and al-Zawahiri.
Close relative of al-Zawahiri, who is active in Islamist circles, is reported to live in Britain.
Denmark and Switzerland are among number of European countries thought to have played his host. His associates may even have British cell. After Vanguard-linked Luxor attack, Mr Mubarak told reporters in Aswan there are people who carried out crimes and were sentenced (in Egypt) and live on British land and in other states such as Afghanistan'.
Al-Zawahiri's freewheeling role across western Europe during early 1990s raises questions about security and asylum policies of a number of European nations, and about their refusal to act on information provided by Egyptian government.
Egypt has been in contact with various western capitals regarding this issue,' said Nabil Osman, director of Egyptian state information service. President Mubarak has been asking for many years that terrorists not be given a refuge under any pretext of shelter or asylum.' Al-Zawahiri offered asylum in Denmark in 1991. Asked to comment, Teddy Koch of Denmark's ministry of the interior, said: Normally, we don't give out information about individual cases.'
Al-Zawahiri also thought to have lived in Switzerland. Unconfirmed reports suggest he was granted asylum there in 1993.
Sources in Cairo and elsewhere say jihad leaders planned to meet in Geneva in 1996. Asked whether Egypt tried to extradite al-Zawahiri around this time, Mr Osman said: I am sure there have been such communications.'
The Guardian has discovered an address in Copenhagen from which al-Zawahiri once edited Mujahideen newsletter. Subscription information for the newsletter on an academic website declared it was temporarily issued from Switzerland'. Al-Zawahiri likely to have sought sanctuary in Afghanistan in 1997 or 1998. Carries Swiss and French passports under the name Amin Othman, according to the Egyptian government, as well as his original Egyptian passport (number 1084010). Egyptians on the most-wanted list also claim he uses Dutch passport in the name of Sami Mahmoud El-Hifnawi. We have heard such rumours,' said Frank de Bruin of the Dutch foreign ministry, but we didn't get it confirmed from any authoritative source.'
US may also have allowed al-Zawahiri residence. House of Representatives judiciary subcommittee on immigration told by expert on terrorism in January 2000 that he was one of a number of Islamist activists who had been granted green card status by the US immigration service. If true, like the free hand given to al-Zawahiri in Europe, this would highlight what Mr Osman says the Egyptians have been telling the west for years - that terrorism is transnational and must be dealt with accordingly: Its structure is the whole globe.'
Israeli intell thinks he and Imad Mughniyeh planned WTC/Pentagon attacks on 9/11/01.For the past two years Iraqi intelligence officers were shuttling between Baghdad and Afghanistan, meeting with Ayman Al Zawahiri," said Jane's Foreign Report
Brother is Muhammed al-Zawahiri,KLA’s head of élite forces

Muhammed al-Zawahiri KLA’s head of élite forces. Dr Ayman Mohamed Rabie al- Zawahiri's brother.

Muhammad Atef
al-Qaida's military commander. Thought to have been at the wedding of Bin Laden's son in the southern Afghan town of Kandahar January 2001 , videotape of which was broadcast on an Arab satellite channel.

Mohamed Atta **
33 y.o. Egyptian who flew one of the jetliners into the WTC 9/11/01. Authorities believe he coordinated the attack.Worked out of Hamburg, Germany cell with Ramzi Mohamed Abdullah Binalshibh,Said Bahaji, Marwan Al-Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrahi, who was a regular vistitor to Atta's Hamburg apartment. Marwan Al-Shehhi was possibly an Atta cousin who shared rooms with him in Hamburg and Florida. Atta flew 1st hijacked plane, AA #11, from Boston to LA, into North WTC @ 8:48 a.m. Atta has emerged as a leader among fellow terrorists who went to the US. His travels abroad, in addition to his contacts with members of four terrorist cells in America, positioned him to carry instructions from handlers overseas to all members of their conspiracy in the US. Claimed to have lost passport in Germany.
Flew w/Alomari sometime after 6AM from Portland, Maine ( Portland International Jetport) on US Airways and then made the American Flight 11 connection in Boston.Had to get ticket & check bag.
Curiously, the three other Arab hijackers aboard Flight 11 drove to Logan, while Atta and Alomari reportedly arrived in Boston the previous Sunday, drove back to Portland and then flew again to Boston.
The moves baffle authorities, not only because they almost caused at least Atta the suspected leader to miss his flight, but because they exposed Alomari and him to additional airport security checks
Andrew Sherman, GPO spokesman, said man using name similar to Mohamed Atta used a "bounced credit card" to try to purchase the magazine "Airmen" back in July using an address in Egypt.
suspected of having been a member of Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ).

Mohammed Jaweed Azmath
Indian who tried to fly from New Jersey to Texas w/Ayub Ali Khan on the day of the WTC attacks. Plane grounded in Missouri. They left by train and were arrested in Fort Worth carrying 5,000 dollars in cash, hair dye and the box-cutters. The two sent $60,870 back to their families in India last year in the southern city of Hyderabad. Had worked odd jobs in US.

Maryam Bahaji
Said Bahaji's sister. A friend reported that she was in close and regular contact with her brother and that the friend "couldn't believe she didn't know what was going on," the local Hamburger Abendblatt reported. Her apartment in the Lokstedt district was empty by the time the warrants were issued

Nese Bahaji
Said Bahaji's wife. Taken into protective custody by Haburg police

Said Bahaji
Age 26. Arrested in Hamburg, Germany 9/23/01 on international warrant. Believed to be 1 of 5 masterminds in 9/11/01 WTC attack. Part of a cell that worked in Hamburg for at least 2 years planning attack. German citizen of Moroccan origin, who provided apartments, transport and falsified identity papers to the hijackers. Occasional co-renter w/Binalshibh of a three-room apartment on Marienstrasse (Hamburg) where the attackers gathered before departing for Florida last year (2000) to learn how to fly planes.

Ramzi Mohamed Abdullah Binalshibh
29. Arrested in Hamburg, Germany 9/23/01 on internation warrant. Believed to 1 of 5 masterminds in WTC attacks 9/11/01. Worked from flat in Hamburg. Occasional co-renter w/Said Bahaji of a three-room apartment on Marienstrasse where the attackers gathered before departing for Florida last year to learn how to fly planes. Yemeni.

Shkeel Choudary
Pakistani national, detained by Saudis around time of WTC attack, lived there since at least 1996. Member of the Muhajiroun group, which represents bin Laden interests abroad, reported.

Ghassan Dahduli
Palestinian. Name turned up in Wadih el Hage's address book. Arrested by FBI 9/2001 while living in Dallas suburb.
Appealing court ordered deportation ruling for obtaining a work via through fraud at time of arrest.

Khalid al Draibi
Saudi man arrested the day of the attacks in suburban Washington, a few miles from Dulles International Airport, where one of the planes was hijacked. That plane later crashed into the Pentagon.
Attorney Drewry B. Hutcheson Jr. said his client, Khalid al Draibi, was stopped while driving with a flat tire near Manassas, Va.
Arrested for allegedly making a false statement that he was a U.S. citizen. Later told the FBI investigators he was a Saudi Arabian citizen," Hutcheson said. Client remained in detention.
Police near Birmingham said FBI questioned them recently about cabdriver with a similarly spelled name, Khalid Aldiribi, who they believed was being detained in Washington.
Hutcheson said he was unaware of the list but believed his client "did work and live for a period of time in Birmingham."
Said he knew of no connection between his client and Dulles airport or the hijackers there

Tufail Nizam Eddin
Indian national, detained by Saudis around time of WTC, lived there since at least 1996. Member of the Muhajiroun group, which represents bin Laden interests abroad, reported.

.Yves Ekwella
Arrested by French weekend 9/21/01 w/Raymond Loeb and Serge Salfati for possession of what is believed to be uranium-235, a material used in the construction of atomic weapons. The uranium is reported to have been supplied by members of the Russian mafia. Had air tickets to Kazakhstan at the time of their arrest.

Wadih el Hage
Personal secretary to bin Laden- convicted of conspiring to murder Americans.

Hani Hanjour **
One of the WTC attackers who hijacked airliner which hit Pentagon on 9/11/01. Received commercial pilot's license in 1999-listed P.O.Box in Saudi Arabia as address.T. Gerald Chilton Jr., a corporate officer for CRM Airline Training Center in Scottsdale, Ariz., said a man named Hani Hanjoor received pilot training there for three months in 1996, and in December 1997. He put down a $100 deposit toward additional training in 1997, but did not attend more classes.
Atta may have vistited him in Las Vegas & San Diego. Aboard American flight 77 from Washington Dulles to Los Angeles, which crashed into the Pentagon.
left a metal briefcase containing Arabic documents, a sum of cash and his name at the San Diego Zoo earlier this year. Briefcase was found as recently as six weeks(now 9/22/01) ago and placed in the zoo's lost and found.Zoo spokesman Ted Molter told the Times that a security guard peeked inside the case after it was not immediately claimed. It was believed the guard discovered a way to page Hanjour who returned to claim the bag.
It was not known what types of documents were in the case.
The zoo had been evacuated last week after the FBI received a "credible threat" that it was a target for an attack, however no bombs or otherevidence of an imminent attack were found.Hanjour was one of three terrorists who lived in the San Diego area, just 15 minutes from the zoo, in the months preceding the takeover of four airliners on the East Coast that were used in the attacks on Washington and the World Trade Center in New York Identified as being on AA#77 (leaving Washington Dulles), which crashed into Pentagon.

.Mokhtar Haouari
Convicted in 2001 on conspiracy charges of terror plot planned for milleneum celebrations.
Convicted of providing the plan's mastermind with phony identification and $ 3,000 used to purchase bomb-making chemicals as part of a jihad -- a holy war against the United States. Lived in Canada.

Abu Imard 44, a mature student at Aston University in Birmingham, was arrested by British weekend 9/21/01.a father of three, moved to the UK from the United States six months ago.

Ziad Jarrahi **( Attack 9/11/01)
a Lebanese citizen and regular visitor to Atta's Hamburg apartment. He was aboard United flight 93 from Newark to San Francisco, which crashed in rural Pennsylvania. Part of Haburg cell which planned attack for at least 2 yrs. Claimed to have lost passport in Germany

Raymond Loeb
Arrested by French weekend 9/21/01 w/Serge Salfati and Yves Ekwella for possession of what is believed to be uranium-235, a material used in the construction of atomic weapons. The uranium is reported to have been supplied by members of the Russian mafia. Had air tickets to Kazakhstan at the time of their arrest.

Ayub Ali Khan
Indian who tried to fly from New Jersey to Texas w/Mohammed Jaweed Azmath on the day of the WTC attacks. Plane grounded in Missouri. They left by train and were arrested in Fort Worth carrying 5,000 dollars in cash, hair dye and the box-cutters. The two sent $60,870 back to their families in India last year in the southern city of Hyderabad. Had worked odd jobs in US.

Majed Moqed**(9/11/01 attack)
Identified as aboard AA#77, which crashed into Pentagon, originating at Washington Dulles

Imad Mughniyeh
a Lebanese who runs overseas operations for Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed terrorist group.

Ahmed Ressam
Convicted in 2001 of conspiring to blow up LA airport as part of milleneum terror plot. Chemical weapon training at Afghani camp in 1998.Algerian living in Montreal, was stopped in December 1999 trying to enter Washington state by ferry from British Columbia in a car packed with bomb-making materials. Told U.S. officials he was allied to a London man with close ties to bin Laden. Testified at Mokhtar Haouari's trial in New York that he spent about six months training at a camp in Khalden, Afghanistan

Lofti Raissi
(not named by police, but named by BBC)
27 yo Algerian who was studying to upgrade his flying qualifications to jets, arrested by British weekend of 9/21/01 for WTC attack 9/11/01. Wife & brother questioned. Trained at same Arizona flying school (CRM Airline Training Center in Scottsdale, Arizona) and at the same time as Hani Hanjour, who investigators believe flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon.
on an FBI watch list' of 200 people sought in connection with the attacks on New York and Washington.
It's gone crazy. I've heard stories of FBI agents checking many trainee pilots out, here and in America,' he said. I am an airline pilot in Algeria but over here I am just a student. I have been living here nine months now, with my wife, training for my European conversion.

Mohammed Raissi
29yo brother of Lofti Raissi. Questioned & released by British over the weeend in connection w/9/11/01 terrorist attack on WTC.

Noor Raissi
Mohammed Raissi's wife. Lofti & Sonia Raissi's sister-in-law. works for Saudi Arabian airlines.

Sonia Raissi
French 25 yo wife of Lofti Raissi. Questioned by British oover weekend of 9/21/01 re: WTC attack 9/11/01. Worked on the Air France customer service desk at Heathrow Airport

Serge Salfati
Arrested by French weekend 9/21/01 w/Raymond Loeb and Yves Ekwella for possession of what is believed to be uranium-235, a material used in the construction of atomic weapons. The uranium is reported to have been supplied by members of the Russian mafia. Had air tickets to Kazakhstan at the time of their arrest.

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Miscellaneous
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To: aristeides
Thanks for the explanation! I'll do likewise.
21 posted on 09/29/2001 5:50:02 PM PDT by Lion's Cub
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To: aristeides, all
I just came across an article that you had indexed, and it gave me an idea for refining our system. In addition to addressing the reply to TerrOrWar, we can also address the reply to the name of terrorist(s) the article has information about. IOW, to: TerrOrWar, Mohamed Atta, Hani Hanjour , etc. Then if we want to research a particular terrorist, we can search under his name and skip the results that don't show up with his name in the reply. Will that work?
22 posted on 09/29/2001 6:40:09 PM PDT by Lion's Cub
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To: Lion's Cub
I think that would be too difficult -- there's only a limited amount of space in the "To" line, it might not always be clear which terrorist(s) the story is about, that sort of problem.
23 posted on 09/29/2001 6:44:18 PM PDT by aristeides
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To: Howlin
24 posted on 02/05/2002 10:56:59 AM PST by piasa
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