Posted on 09/28/2001 4:53:36 AM PDT by RaceBannon
My personal opinion, fwiw, is that we're seeing a little bit of good cop/bad cop from the administration. If the first moves are to collect intelligence, quiet the Arab street, and capture bin Ladin, then it makes sense to stay sotto voce in the beginning. If, however, the operation eventually leads us to Iraq and other hostile states, I suspect the posture of the administration will change.
What's your expertise on this?
I'm a candidate for the Diaconate (Deacon) in the RC Church, and I'm angry (righteously pissed off) with what has happened. Any lover of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness should be. Here is some info for those who are unfamiliar with "just war" and our current state of affairs.
The second major Christian thinker to deal with the issue of "just war" is St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274). Aquinas based himself upon St. Augustine's view of war, elaborating on the teachings of the bishop of Hippo. In explicating his theory regarding the justness of a war, Aquinas focused on defining the right to make war and the importance of the intent which stands behind the decision to go to war. In his attempt to formulate a simple rule which would give guidance on these issues, Aquinas argued that a war is justified when three basic, necessary conditions were met:
1. the war was prosecuted by a lawful authority with the power to wage war;
(the United States of America on behalf of its citizens)
2. the war was undertaken with just cause; and
(the HORRIFIC SNEAK ATTACK by foreign agents of groups and governments)
3. the war was undertaken with the right intention, that is, "to achieve some good or to avoid some evil."
(Bush's plan to eliminate evil, in the form of terrorism, throughout the world, fits the bill.)
Together with St. Augustine, Aquinas' views on the justification of war form the basic core of just war theory, and it is from their concepts that the theory of just war is adapted and expanded by later thinkers.
Please find that in the Koran for me. I'll wait patiently.
From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We did take a covenant, but they forgot a good part of the message that was sent them: so we estranged them, with enmity and hatred between the one and the other, to the day of judgment. And soon will Allah show them what it is they have done.
We are considered a "Christian Nation" by the Muslims
Riddle me this, then . . .
If this "allah" fellow is the God of Abraham, how comes it that his most literal supporters call for the expulsion of the Jews from Israel, the desecration of Jewish holy places, and a prohibition against the re-building of the Temple?
I am becoming gradually convinced that this "allah" is just Ba'al repackaged for popular consumption. Literalist Islam is a religion of death and destruction. The idea that one could attain Paradise (and what a swinish, Larry Flynt/Bob Guccione "paradise" it is!) by murdering unsuspecting, innocent people is repugnant to the Judeo-Christian ethic. Unless the God of Abraham is dangerously schizophrenic, He is NOT "allah."
Although most the Islamic universe does not support this Jihad, nevertheless that is what it is.
The extreme Islamic Jihadist are propagating their ideals and goals throughout the Islamic world.
They wiil allow nothing to stand in their path, including their fellow Moslems which they readily kill for being untrue, and hindering the Jihad.
It is religious war. Hopefully it can be fought together with the enlightened Moslems against the Jihadists. But if the movement grows, and the moderate Moslem majority collapses, the war will reach another level of violence.
"The Jews deny Jesus as well. Are you saying that the God of the Old Testament is not the God of the New Testament? Your logic is beyond comprehesion."
You answered your own question (Old Testament/New Testament: same God, different covenants) and now you're just being silly. Are you arguing that the Koran is simply another testament of Christ? Are you saying that because the Koran denies the deity of Christ, and because it was written 600 years later, that it supercedes the orthodox canon of Christian scripture?
Are you even a Christian anymore, Hank?
As to your assertion about the Jews denying Jesus, not all of them do. For those who do, read Romans until you understand why.
"They believe that Allah is the God of Abraham."
They can believe anything they wish, but simply believing in something does not make it so.
They can stand in their garage and believe they are cars.
They can stand on their heads and believe they're upright while the rest of the world is upside down.
They can believe the moon is made of green cheese, and the sun is pulled through the sky by winged horses.
They can believe anything they wish, but simply believing in something does not make it so.
"They believe in Jesus and believe He was a prophet of God."
They do not believe, however, that He was God incarnate or the Son of God. They do not believe that He is the Alpha and Omega. The Apostle John tells us how to test the spirits. Guess what. Islam flunked the test. It's all right there in the Koran, as you've been shown above (reply #27.)
"The Jews don't believe that Jesus was the Son of God, Jesus was a Jew. In your logic, Jesus did not believe in Himself."
Again, there is a reason for this, and if you are a Christian, you should thank God for this (read Romans). Instead, you lie about God and blaspheme the Holy Spirit. by repeating your baseless, absurd assertions.
Sadly, you've run out of any cogent arguments, and you're behaving like the Black Knight in Monty Python's "Holy Grail." What are you going to do now? "Bleed all over me?"
"I am becoming gradually convinced that this "allah" is just Ba'al repackaged for popular consumption."
I had posted a rather lengthy message on this score, based on some research I had been doing, and one of Islam's PR people here got the thread it was on pulled.
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