This illustrates a key difference between liberals and conservatives. The left feel as if they have some sort of divine virtue on their side that allows the ends to justify the means. A conservative is interested in seeing that the rule of law prevails, regardless of the political impact of the outcome. The liberal philosophy is why Clinton was not removed from office. They couldn't assert that Clinton was innocent of perjury, witness tampering and obstruction of justice, so they made it all about sex. Plus, wasn't the economy doing great? The reality was, like the OJ jury, their guy was going to win, and hang the evidence.
Here's a good test case--Rudy Giuliani is ineligible to remain mayor of NYC due to term limits. Most good conservatives, myself included, consider this an unfortunate set of circumstances, given the groundswell of positive feelings Rudy has generated. But, most good conservatives don't want the law to be overturned. We don't practice situational ethics. None of us on the right wanted the Constitution overlooked so that Clinton could serve for a 3rd term, although such musings were heard on the left. The law is the law. Obey it, or get it changed.
But, most good conservatives don't want the law to be overturned.This one does. Term limits were never a good idea.