It may sound good, but like the proverbial 'free lunch', Free Trade is not Free.
If an American factory pays 500 workers an average of $8.00 an hour thats $4000 an hour or $32,000 a day, which is $640,000 a month (20 day work month), or $7,680,000 ($7.6mil) a year.
Of course this does not include, health, social security and retirement benefits, nor does it include safety and pollution measures mandated by our government which more than double that amount/labor cost.
However, if the factory moves to Indonesia or Communist China or Mexico, OR JORDAN etc. and pays 500 workers .25 cents an hour, the total wages become $125.00 an hour, $1000 a day, $20,000 a month, or $240,000 a year, with NO benefits & NO government oversight.
This leaves CEO$/Corp$. well over $7,440,000 ($7.4m) to play with. Most of this windfall goes straight into managements/Corporate/CEOs pocket !!!
Now do you understand why Predatory Glo-Baloney Capitalists on Wall Street are doing so well these days, and why these GREEDY Corps. and their lapdog politicians will do/say anything to hang onto THEIR Free Trade Money-Pump.
Desperate Children, Prison & Slave Workers get exploited in the 3rd World --
Decent Paying Jobs & secure families & communities & our National Sovereignty are disposable in the U.S.
Hypertexted from the Original Publication by: CITIZENS FOR BETTER GOVERNMENT ---