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To: WRhine
No, it is only PROOF to a close minded individual that can't think for himself and would rather believe ancient folklore because of an inability to think rationally and logically.

Slimes prove nothing. Darwin said that man descended from monkeys and science has proven that statement wrong. That is proof against evolution no matter how many times you scream shout and insult. You cannot hide the truth with screams, insults and character assassination - no matter what Clinton and Goebbels believed.

206 posted on 09/25/2001 10:30:36 PM PDT by gore3000
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To: gore3000
Slimes prove nothing. Darwin said that man descended from monkeys and science has proven that statement wrong.

No, science has proven that statement largely right. At a minimum we branched off the primate family somewhere, millions of years ago. Whether it was from the direct ancestors of today’s monkeys or not is still an open question. You can say this is wrong until you are blue in the face but that is YOUR PROBLEM. Out of 1,000 scientists you might get one or two to agree with you. Science is not on your side and you know it, otherwise you Creationists wouldn't be so sensitive about it. Deal with it. Oh and by the way, in your vernacular, I admit that I slime occasionally but so do you. Why is it that when you insult an Evolutionist it is not a slime? You born again Christians have a real problem with being real.

213 posted on 09/25/2001 10:52:58 PM PDT by WRhine
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