It's not wise to employ reason / logic when dealing with emotionally immature / emotion-driven mentalities; they find it impossible to engage in critical thought because they instinctively know, and FEAR where it leads.
By the way .... cognitive dissonance is the mental confusion / psychological conflict that results from holding exact opposite (incongruous) beliefs and attitudes simultaneously. (See my previous posts on this thread). Hahahaha
Sounds like you're getting too emotional. Your previous post, if you mean number 74, basically justifies ignoring the amazing preponderance of evidence for evolution on the grounds that its all experience and thus perception and thus unreliable and thus we really don't know anything so maybe we really were made in 6 days 6K years ago . . .
I can't get excited about the "real science" because it has nothing to teach us except that we know nothing. That's not the girl we came to the dance of the 21st century with.