Those who are preaching the doom and destruction sermon are doing absolutely NOTHING to further the love of Christ. Granted this attack may have fallen under the title 'God's Will', but the 'preachers' are presenting a really strong case that God cares not a whit about His Christians or their states of mind. They offer the 'judgement' but no hope. There's very little edification of The Body. Instead one is to believe that The Body is some scrawny form with only certain parts allowed. At those times, it's good to immerse yourself in The Word. God Himself will speak to you. And His Holy Spirit will speak to your heart. And no matter HOW well-intentioned the 'preachers' are, it STILL comes down to a personal relationship with Jesus, you and Him. No one else. He will speak to you in words meant only for YOU. He will use a language that is understandable for you and between you 2. He IS aware of the kids you have charge over, and KNOWS your heart's fears. He can soothe those fears also.
I know it's hard but if you have time to be alone without the kids around, use it as your 'prayer closet' time. 'Fall apart' in 'front of' the Lord. You ain't gonna be doing or saying anything He's NOT already aware of with you! You'd be amazed at how quickly and lovingly He'll pick you up, His kid, and put ya back together!
You said it all right there.
Lately, when I look at or hug my children-it is like I am trying to shrink a lifetime of glimpses and squeezes into is very heart wrenching, to put it mildly.