These people are monsters. And it's amazing that they're accepted as part of the Establishment.
Just a few days ago, some "official" psychiatric association issued a public statement condemning scientology for sending counselors to the WTC scene. I haven't seen anyone but FR condemning PP...
This reminds me of another recent thread (things are moving so fast that I've lost track of the title), but in describing the conditions of women under the Taliban, the writer observed that both NOW and the Feminist Majority have "active campaigns" in progress within Afghanistan trying to end Taliban oppression of women...
If I were an Islamic guy and all I knew about America was what I learned from representatives from NOW and the Feminist Majority, I might hate America, too. If Muslims in Afghanistan feel that those people are trying to impose their culture on Afghanistan, then it becomes more understandable when they refer to US as the Great Satan... (Heck, I wish NOW and the Feminist Majority would get the heck out of America...) Mark W.