Those links don't make the case for what you imply. I suppose their are pedophiles and other deviants in any large group, but those that are in a CHristian group practice that AGAINST the dictates of the faith. When atheists practice such things they are NOT violating their beliefs, since they claim they have none to violate.
Stalin is not communism. It has been overwhelmingly documented that communism draws on evolution for a large part of its inspiration. THe whole point is to reshape man by reshaping his society.
As for calling God a communist, better tone down those blashemies PH. All of us will one day, and that soon, for human life is very short, stand before Him to give an account of how we lived our lives. And of how honestly we searched for the truth.
Once -- just once! -- I'd like to encounter a creationist with the capacity to understand irony when it's presented to them. Okay, it's "Run, Spot, run!" time:
My dear Ahban, of course my links don't make the case for what they seem to imply. I said as much. But the allegation that mere association is proof of causality is present with my links, as it is with your allegations about evolution being causally linked to communism and nazi-ism. You don't see what I'm getting at? You're not alone.