When are you walking to work????? Please get off your mouth and walk, like you are pleading. As it was such a terrible thing, you should not be using any gas from the mid-east, period.
I love the kalaidoscopic way your mind siddles up to a logical syllogism. I also objected to the killing of witches in the Middle Ages. Does that mean I am morally forbidden to read the Bible? If I object to the use of money to buy heroin, does that mean I can't use money?
I do not know if we will meet in the middle, but, we will meet.
What is this inordinate interest you have in heroin??? You are going to have to use something to get your drugs. don't use gas you are unwilling to defend.
From your freeper favorites list:
Court clears way for Sydney heroin injection room http://www.FreeRepublic.com/forum/a3acf996f4dbe.htm
Gov't Drug Sentences Draw Attention http://www.FreeRepublic.com/forum/a3a452a184c22.htm
Heroin Hot Spots
Pope bans nuns' plans for heroin 'shooting gallery' (Australia) http://www.FreeRepublic.com/forum/a3818c8125f18.htm
Soil Bug Blamed in 30 Heroin Deaths in UK, Ireland http://www.FreeRepublic.com/forum/a39412ef506d6.htm
What is Heroin?