BTW I want to see bin Laden match your screen name.
OK so I came back to see what the brainwashed are up to,
and I have to say "Perfect foils for my rapier?"
Thanks - I haven't had such a good laugh in ages
To imagine any wit or wisdom in your thoughtless regurgitation of tired propaganda themes, please.
OTOH if you are taking down some big $$$ in Iraq as a merc or whatever scam you've got going I salute your enterprise, but please don't try to confuse a good scam with jingoism or saving the world for democracy or fighting the war to end all wars, or creating a thousand year reich, or..........(fill in banal slogans supporting war and $$$here)
I enjoyed re-reading my 2 year old posts, I see nothing has changed, and I re-iterate that all you mercenaries in Iraq and Afgan are doing (besides shaming my flag) is signing us up for the next 9-11.