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Local Teens Shrug Off Terror (Lee's District...apples not far from tree)
Alemeda Times Star ^
| September 16, 2001
| Paul T. Rosynsky and Jane Rochmes
Posted on 09/17/2001 3:16:15 PM PDT by watsonfellow
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Comment #121 Removed by Moderator
To: WIMom
"I am so glad I live in the Mid-west so my kids grew up with values and morals that made this country great".
What the hell kind of stupid statement is this? So what you are saying is that if you aren't raised in the mid west you don't have proper morals or values. What a stupid ass statement. Totally pathetic.
"Thanks for the thoughtful and mature comment".
Your welcome, as your response to me, should have been addressed to yourself. Just think about what you wrote, and I am sure you will agree that where you live in this nation or grow up has nothing do do with having proper values or morals. Geezzz.
To: watsonfellow
I'm volunteering Amir, Jamaal, Hieu, Patrick, and Antwonn for the first line of human mine-sweepers we land in Afghanistan. (Did I miss anybody?)
To: jothamdorn
If the federal police state continues to grow at the expense of personal liberty then there is no reason for the United States of America to continue to exist.I strongly disagree.
It's true that the WOD has eroded personal liberty a lot more than I would like but I don't share your level of despair. America is still the freedom capitol of the world. What I do find discouraging is your readiness to abandon America on this pretext. The biography you volunteered makes your position even sadder but if you wish to align yourself with the arrogant, 'self-loving' teenagers quoted in this article, that's your choice to make.
Thanks for letting us know who we can count on in the days to come and who thinks America isn't worth having.
To: Mr.Clark
These teenagers are absolutely NOT representative of the ones I know here in Texas. Our kids are horrified and angry and recognize that this evil must be stopped. One young lady summarized it for me: "America is cool. And those people that hate us? They're GOING DOWN." Works for me.
posted on
09/17/2001 5:09:01 PM PDT
To: WIMom
My son isn't as old as your children, but he believes in justice and retribution, as well. Something about Wisconsin? :)
Someone mentioned that if this had happened on the West coast, they wouldn't lend a hand. On Tuesday, facing all the horror and not knowing if there was an end in sight, I moaned to my husband that if this had happened on the West coast, I wouldn't be nearly as upset. So the entertainment industry gets waylaid for awhile . . .what's so bad about that?
To: watsonfellow
"I'm not risking my life for that, I love myself too much," said Amir Kellogg, 17, as he sat with friends during lunch. "If they came after me I would have to run." ....That's a very telling statement.But,alas,I wouldn't expect anything different from the People's Republic Of CA.(Spare the rod & spoil the country!)
To: Rebeckie
Really, I just hate how the media never has anything good to say about if one high school is represenative of a whole nation of teenage kids. I am still a teenager, although soon not to be, and am very patriotic and also a conservative Republican. People just need to open their eyes, there are more like me out there, lots more.Thank goodness - and thanks for reminding us.
Excellent point about the media giving a few anti-American teens more exposure than they should have, just to make some liberal point. They are the minority.
To: watsonfellow
"I think the United States deserves it," said Berkeley High senior Pat "Rick" Rizzo.
posted on
09/17/2001 5:13:20 PM PDT
To: RogueIsland
Eight years of Clintonian brain-washing,as well as extremely poor parenting,has brought us to this.
To: freeplancer
What are their parents teaching them anyway? Ridiculous little commies.What do we expect? Their parents (if they can be identified) are just commies themselves.
posted on
09/17/2001 5:14:41 PM PDT
To: Jim Scott
Don't forget that the Revolution was fought by Englishmen against Englishmen for the rights of Englishmen. The Civil War was fought by Americans who believed in personal liberty against Americans who believed in the liberty of the states. Are you calling me a traitor? I swore an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. My oath and my family honor require that I use my own best judgement in this situation. I will go to prison before I support any more totalitarian enactments and I will leave before I go to prison.
To: watsonfellow
Children of the Blue Zone
The children of the blues have been totally indoctrinated by the left. Their time will come and I believe that 8 weeks with a desensitized Drill Instructor will bring most of them around.
To: Naspino
Maybe it will turn out to be an easy target. The feds nabbed someone at or in Berkeley, one less if arrested, not detained.
To: Rebeckie
MOST teenagers are like you, in fact. The polls show that 80% to 90% support military action, and I doubt that percentage differs much between age groups.
posted on
09/17/2001 5:20:24 PM PDT
To: Mr.Clark
Don't you worry, it is isolated. In my town, right smack dab in the middle of Wisconsin, probably one of the safest places from terrorism, just because theres not much here, the attacks of last week dominated conversation on our bus rides home from school. We've moved on somewhat, but we do realize the impact these events will have.
To: Joe Hadenuf
I said "I am so glad I live in the Mid-west ... ". I said nothing about you or anyone else, so don't make insinuations or assumptions that are not there. Your foul comments and language are not one bit respected. Save it for the alley.
posted on
09/17/2001 5:28:14 PM PDT
To: All
Hey!!! Quit bashing California. Just because the wacko liberals have bigger mouths, doesn't mean there aren't a ton of conservatives here. It disgusts me that some of you say you wouldn't help California. Does that include all the children at our Christian school, where 95% of the students "voted" Republican during the last election? Does that include my six year old son who said, after hearing a Clinton speech, said "If Clinton is saying these things, they must be lies!". Well, when you refuse to help us, you will be losing many great conservatives. Hope that makes you happy.
To: No Truce With Kings
A salute to your two sons. God bless them and you.
To: Outraged At FLA
I would prefer it with some red gravy, thank you.
posted on
09/17/2001 5:45:49 PM PDT
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