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To: Land_of_Lincoln_John
The problem with this article is that it does not recognize that Islam itself is an evil religion. The founder of Islam, Muhammed, was a very evil man. He was a mass murderer. He was a polygamist. He had 15 wives in his lifetime. He "married" a six year old girl and said that she was one of his favorite wives. He lied, He stole, He plundered. He was totally evil. Islam is evil. Below are some excerpts from an article I posted on Free Republic titled "Muhammad, Islam, and Terrorism" The Ugly Truth about Islam.

(Please send this to everyone you know.)





We know that there are good and bad in all religions, but this case is different. This event reflects upon the man who started Islam: Islam is built upon Muhammad’s words and deeds. We see here that Muhammad had a woman brutally murdered. She was killed because she spoke out against him, and she was merely a nuisance.


“....and Umm Qirfa Fatima was taken prisoner. She was a very old women, wife of Malik. Her daughter and Abdullah Masada were also taken. Zayd ordered Qays to kill Umm Qirfa and he killed her cruelly (Tabari, by putting a rope to her two legs and to two camels and driving them until they rent her in two.)


Islamic history shows that as Muslims grew in power their forms of violence changed from criminal terrorism to outright warfare.



After moving to Medina, Muhammad began to have conflict with the Jews and pagans in the area. I’ll focus on several incidents, not necessarily in chronological order, that illustrate Muhammad as a terrorist.

The first terrorist incident involves Muhammad’s command to his followers to “kill any Jew that comes under your power”.


“It is remarkable that tradition attributes Muhammad’s most cruel acts to divine order, namely the siege of Qaynuqa, the murder of Kab, and he attack upon Qurayzah. Allah’s conscience seems to be more elastic than that of his creatures.”..... Ibn Ishaq and al-Waqidi report that the prophet said the morning after the murder (of Kab Ashraf), “Kill any Jew you can lay your hands on.”.



Here another man was murdered upon Muhammad’s command. This man was 120 years old. He was no physical threat to Muhammad and he did not urge people to commit violent acts against Muhammad or the Muslims. There was no discussion with Jewish leaders, there was no dialogue with Abu Afak; it was just an outright murder of another one of Muhammad’s critics. Abu Afak urged the people who lived in Medina to doubt and leave Muhammad. Abu Afak found that Muhammad’s sayings were strange and dictatorial. He chided the Arabs that put their faith in Muhammad. Muhammad heard of this and viewed the 120 year old man as a threat to his credibility, not to his life. Nowhere does it say that Abu Afak urged his fellow Arabs to attack or harm Muhammad. Yet for speaking his mind, for the benefit of his friends, this man was murdered by Muhammad.


The bottom line is that Asma b. Marwan was not a legitimate threat to Muhammad. She didn’t scare him, she was not the leader of her tribe, and she had little or no influence. She was little more than a nuisance to him. Yet Muhammad had her murdered, again, in cold, premeditated blood.



1) What alarms me the most about Islam is its disposition to violence and use of violence as a standard of God’s will.

Umayr is a perfect example of this. Here is a Muslim man, a friend of Muhammad’s, acting upon Muhammad’s request and going into a woman’s home under the cover of night. He comes upon the women, sleeping in her bed with her child, and murders her by plunging a sword through her body.

Afterwards, Muhammad tells the man that he has “helped God and his apostle”. If Allah were really threatened by this woman, I think He could have killed her Himself, don’t you? Does God need men to sneak around in the night and murder sleeping women?

2) What kind of religion is Islam really? Soon after Umayr murdered Asma, he went to her family and mocked them! He was laughing in their faces that he had murdered their mother and that they were powerless to do anything about it!


Muhammad allowed his followers to even murder members of their own families!


So, Muhammad blessed one of his men who murdered a one-eyed shepherd while he slept. Another person who didn’t want to follow Muhammad, another murder in Islam’s name. Muhammad’s trail of blood continued to grow.


Here, Muhammad’s companions went out and attacked people, took some prisoners, then committed some brutal atrocities against their captives. These men were so destitute of basic human values, that they ripped an old women in half by using camels! When one reads of the horrible things the Serbs have done, one is offended. But I wonder how many Muslims know that Muhammad himself did and sanctioned such things. Muhammad was every bit as brutal as the Nazis.


He had two singing-girls Fartana and her friend who used to sing satirical songs about the apostle, so he ordered that they should be killed with him.”


Let’s stop here and examine this paragraph. Muhammad ordered that a man who apostatized, and his two slave girls, be killed. Khatal was ordered to be killed not because he killed his male slave, a Muslim, but because he apostatized. Islamic law does not allow a Muslim man to be put to death for killing a slave. Muhammad also ordered two slave girls to be killed for singing satirical songs about him. They sung satirical songs about Muhammad probably at least a year or more earlier. Now, after Muhammad conquered Mecca, it was his time to pay those slave girls back. These slave girls were not threats to Islam, or to the new Islamic State. They were only slave girls. They were ordered to be executed only because they sang a silly song about Muhammad.



We see that Muhammad had many people murdered. By request, by command, by implication, Muhammad had many people murdered, many killed while they slept. There were no trials, no judgments, no dialog. If you insulted Muhammad, if you doubted his credibility and if you spoke out, you were murdered. Men and women, young and old, all were killed because of Muhammad’s hatred toward those who spoke out against him.

Here is a summary of the 7 terrorist murders committed upon Muhammad’s requests or efforts:

1) Ibn Sunayna, a Jewish man who was murdered because he was simply a Jew

2) Abu Afak, a 120-year-old man, murdered while he slept

3) Asma Marwan, mother of 5 children, murdered while she slept

4) A slave women, mother of two children, murdered while she slept

5) A one-eyed shepherd, murdered while he slept

6) A very old women, literally ripped in half by Muslims who captured her on a raid.

7) A slave girl, who was murdered because she poked fun at Muhammad.

I will add that there were many more people who suffered a similar fate. I choose not to list them here because of space limitations.

Make no mistake about it: Muhammad was a terrorist. Today’s Muslim terrorists follow his actions. Like prophet, like followers; today’s Muhammadan terrorists commit their acts based upon what Muhammad did.

Many Muslims are peace-loving people and are thoroughly disgusted about the acts of Islamic terrorism. Most Muslims do not know these historical facts about their own prophet. But Muslim terrorists are usually well-educated in Islam. They are pious people. Spiritual leaders. And they do what they do and how they do it following the example of their prophet.


The order to kill Christians and Jews is in that verse. It is clear that Muhammad ordered his followers to fight those Christians and Jews to convert them or pay the Jizya, and if they don’t convert or pay, do you think that he told the followers to let them go in peace? It is very clear: convert... or pay with submission ... or die.


Basically, Muhammad had an agreement with a number of Arab tribes. Some were peaceful with him, others disliked him. “Allah” gave Muhammad a “revelation” allowing him to break his word, the “agreement” with the pagan Arabs and attack them after the four sacred months were over.

Once again, Muhammad had gained power, and things changed. Now Muhammad was permitted to lie, i.e., break his agreement, and make war upon the pagans. Muhammad’s circumstances changed - Allah changed again.

Note that in the last quoted paragraph, it is supposed to be God telling the Muslims to go out and kill people. Some of these people had gotten along peacefully with the Muslims. But because they didn’t follow Muhammad, they were going to be attacked.


Muhammad was not content to conquer by force, or kill those that merely opposed him verbally. Muhammad also taught that Muslims who leave the Islamic faith are to be murdered as well. Here are some quotes from Bukhari’s collection of Hadith. Remember, Bukhari’s Hadith is the second most important writing in Islam, following the Quran.


Not only did Muhammad teach that Muslims are to murder those that have left Islam, “wherever you find them”, he further taught that a Muslim who commits this type of murder will be doing God’s service and be rewarded!


Bin Laden was interviewed by a Muslim journalist, and the interview appears in the Jan 11, 1999 issue of Newsweek. Here are some excerpts:

QUESTION: “Why have you asked Muslims to target civilian Americans all over the world? Islam prohibits its followers from killing civilians in war?”

BIN LADEN: “If the Israelis are killing small children in Palestine and the Americans are killing the innocent people in Iraq, and if the majority of the American people support their dissolute president, this means the American people are fighting us and we have the right to target them.

QUESTION: “All Americans?”

BIN LADEN “Muslim scholars have issued a fatwa [a religious order] against any American who pays taxes to his government. He is our target, because he is helping the American war machine against the Muslim nation.

Below is an excerpt from ABC news. (on Osama bin Laden - edited for length)

His fatwa was clear: Americans must die, within the next few weeks.

U.S. troops will leave Saudi Arabia when Islamic terrorists “send the bodies of American troops and civilians home in wooden boxes and coffins,” Osama Bin Ladin vowed in an exclusive interview with ABC NEWS Correspondent John Miller. “We don’t differentiate between those dressed in military uniforms and civilians. They are all targets in this fatwa.”

Bin Ladin recently convened a meeting of fundamentalist extremists and sponsors of terrorism. More than 150 clerics named themselves the “International Islamic Front for the Jihad against Jews and Crusaders,” and issued a variety of fatwas. But Bin Ladin’s is the one that most concerns U.S. security analysts.


#3) In June 1993 eight Muslims were arrested by the FBI. There were reportedly planning bombings targeting the United Nations headquarters, FBI offices, and the Holland and Lincoln tunnels, as well as several assassinations.


#5) An arrested Hamas terrorist in Israel told authorities that Hamas leaders in held a workshop in Chicago where Hamas inductees were taught how to make car bombs.


#6) Last year, a Muslim who converted to Christianity was attacked and his home was firebombed by Muslims in Minnesota.


#8) Here is another foiled terrorist attempt in America....

Palestinian Guilty in Subway Plot

NEW YORK (AP) - A Palestinian who said he wanted to kill as many Jews “as I could take” was convicted today of plotting to blow up a busy subway station. Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer, who faces life in prison, jumped to his feet after the verdict was read and shouted “Allahu Akbar! (God is great)” as he held up the Koran, the Muslim holy book. The federal jury acquitted a second Palestinian, Lafi Khalil, of plotting the suicide-bombing. Last Monday, testifying against his lawyers’ wishes, Abu Mezer said he had planned to “martyr” himself and kill “as many (Jews) as I could take.”


#9) In Nov., 1989, a Palestinian Muslim and his wife, murdered their own 14 daughter. Their daughter had not lived according to their view of Islam. Finally, the father and mother assaulted the girl. The mother held the girl down while the father stabbed her to death. Unknown to this Muslim family, this man was under investigation by the FBI, and a bug had legally been planted in the house. The entire murder was called on tape. As the girl struggled and begged her mother to help her, the father said in Arabic, “Die, die quickly, die quickly”.

This murder is written about in People magazine, 1/20/92.

#10) Even in America’s military there are Muslims who are charged with aiding the terrorists who have murdered American citizens. The following is from a recent news article:

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A former U.S. Army sergeant was indicted Wednesday for allegedly participating in a conspiracy led by Saudi exile Osama bin Laden to kill Americans abroad.

Ali Mohamed, 46, was charged with acting with others including bin Laden’s group al Qaeda to plan the murders of U.S. military personnel stationed in Saudi Arabia and Somalia and last August’s bombings of the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania....... Mohamed, a former major in the Egyptian Army, was granted a visa to enter the United States in 1985 and became an American citizen. According to U.S. Army Reserve he enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1986 and was stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C.

The indictment charges that at least as early as 1989, bin Laden and others made efforts to recruit U.S. citizens including Mohamed to travel in the Western world to help al Qaeda carry out operations.


Fortunately, America is not a hotbed of Islamic terrorism. Not yet anyway. Unfortunately, Muslim terrorists are at work all throughout the world. Violence is part and parcel with Islam. Here is just a small sampling of some of the Islamic terrorist actions that have occurred in the last 15 years.


FRANCE - Several years ago, Muslim terrorist began bombing innocent French civilians. Here is one article:

TERROR Campaign widens; Bomb in Paris Subway

Chicago, IL., July 25, 1995 --At least four (4)people were killed and another 35 wounded in an afternoon terror attack that took place today in the Paris Saint-Michel underground station, near the Latin quarter. Police officials are investigating and wouldn’t immediately comment, but French Prime Minister Alain Juppe is quoted by the Reuters News service as saying that he believes that “there is a very strong suspicion of a (terrorist) attack”.

These attacks were similar to bombings carried out by Muslim terrorists in France in 1986, in which dozens of people were killed........


Islamic guerrillas hold captive brides hostage to terror

By Martin Regg Cohn Toronto Star Middle East Bureau

BLIDA, Algeria - In the dead of night, in the name of Islam, four terrorists burst into the

home of 17-year-old Salima Amina Zenagui.

Accusing her of loose morals, the Islamic fundamentalists ordered Zenagui to cover her auburn hair with a hijab head-scarf. Then they abducted her at gunpoint to their underground hideout, where the teenager was forced to marry a terrorist twice her age.

After a religious wedding ceremony, he raped her - with a warning that any resistance would mean certain death. The bleeding didn’t stop for 15 days. The mental torture, and the physical cruelty, continued for another five months. During the long nights and endless days, Zenagui slowly lost her sanity. And the will to live.

Zenagui is one of thousands of young women and teenage girls believed to have been kidnapped by fundamentalist terrorists during Algeria’s five-year Islamic insurgency. Forced into so-called temporary marriages that are a religious license to rape, their screams are soon silenced.

Most of the victims have their throats slit, their bodies dumped in wells like the one discovered last week in Bentalha, just outside Algiers. Police were drawn by the stench of death to the 40-metre-deep well, where they found about 30 badly decomposed corpses of women and girls believed to have been abducted and raped after a massacre in the area a month ago.

Known as “zawaj al mutaa”, or “marriage of pleasure,” the controversial practice is disdained by mainstream Muslims today. It dates from Islam’s early years, when fighters in a holy war helped themselves to single women during periods of hardship or isolation.

Zenagui believes her captors were fundamentalist terrorists from the GIA, who rationalize rape as a way of motivating their men to sacrifice themselves for Islam. Even as they mistreat their captive women, they worship their God. In their hideout, Zenagui watched them pray toward Mecca five times a day. They read the Koran, Islam’s holy book, and often played inspirational cassette tapes about the Prophet Mohammed.



In Sept 1991, in Imbaba, a district of Cairo, hundreds of Muslims attacked the minority Christians there, burning down a church with a Pastor’s wife inside. Other churches were attacked, and Christians were beaten. The government had to send in 3000 troops to stop the Muslims from continuing to attack the Christians.

During the last 8 years in Egypt, hundreds of Coptic Christians have been murdered by Muslims in Egypt. Even worshippers in church have been sprayed by Muslims welding automatic weapons.

CAIRO, Egypt (CNN) -- At least 60 people were killed on Monday when unidentified gunmen opened fire at the world famous temple site of Luxor in southern Egypt, according to the interior ministry. The death toll makes it the deadliest attack on tourists in Egypt.


List of fatal attacks on visitors in Egypt since 1992

Prior to Monday, attacks by Muslim militants had killed 34 international tourists in the past five years. Overall, about 1,100 people have been killed since 1992, when the extremists launched their campaign aimed at ousting President Hosni Mubarak.


In Oct. 1991, thousands of Muslims attacked Christian churches, businesses, and homes in Kano, Nigeria. Kano is in northern Nigeria, which is predominately Muslim. It was estimated that 300 Christians were murdered by Muslim mobs. Muslims were upset because Christian evangelists had been converting Muslims in the region to Christianity.



When the Muslims in Pakistan found a torn up Quran in a mosque, 30,000 Muslims attacked the only majority Christian town (Shanti Nagar) in Pakistan and destroyed half of it! Churches were burned, businesses were destroyed, and women and girls were raped. The army had to come in to stop the Muslims. A worldwide outcry against the action prompted Pakistan’s Prime Minister Sheriff to help re-build the Christian homes, churches, businesses that were destroyed.

This action was not the work of an organized terrorist group, rather it was a display of real Islam. There was no Bin Laden leading this effort, there was no Hamas or Hezbollah orchestrating the action, it was ordinary Muslims, 30,000 of them, attacking a Christian village, because they thought that some Christian had torn up a Quran.

When Muhammad got offended, he murdered.... today, Muslims get offended, they murder. It is motivated by one and the same evil satanic spirit - the same dark spirit that appeared to Muhammad which caused him to attempt suicide - the same malevolent spirit that then talked him out of killing himself.... it had better plans for him. The same demonic spirit that had him massacre 800 Jewish men and adolescent boys, then enslave their women and children. These Jews had never clashed swords with Muhammad or his men until he attacked them. It had a thirst for blood, and during Muhammad’s last 10 years, the blood flowed.



Most Muslims are not terrorists. Many of them reject the actions of their Muslim brethren around the world. Unfortunately, since Islam teaches world domination, these moderate Muslims rarely raise their voices in protest. If the Israelis bomb Hezbollah camps in Lebanon, Muslims in New York, Detroit, and Los Angeles will organize a mass demonstration. But getting Muslims to condemn the terrorist actions of their brethren, say of those in Sudan, Egypt, Algeria, Afghanistan, Iraq is like pulling teeth.


What does the future for Islam in America hold? One thing I am certain of; it holds terrorism. I’ve studied Islamic viewpoints on America. The majority of Muslims today view America as the last great wall that stops Islam. In their mind, America must be destroyed or brought down, by any means necessary. This is what motivated Sheik Rahman to blow up the New York towers.


Once again I say, not all Muslims in America are terrorists. Many of them are good people. But the seeds of terrorism are planted deep within the theology of Islam. This theology, when free to grow and blossom, shows itself in the actions normal Muslims, in Muslim countries take when they feel that Islam is challenged.



Muhammad was a terrorist. Based upon Muhammad’s actions and teachings, Islam justifies terrorism. Today, Muslims use that justification to attack and murder those who differ from them. Muslim terrorists follow in Muhammad’s footsteps.


Who then really brought God’s message of His love for mankind? Who really taught peace? Surely, this man Muhammad was not from God. Instead, Muhammad is one of the false prophets Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:11 -

“and many false prophets shall arise and deceive many”.


There are more than six million Muslims living in the USA today.

Think About It – Thanks, Bob from Michigan.

8 posted on 09/17/2001 6:50:27 AM PDT by BobfromMichigan2001 (
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To: BobfromMichigan2001
There are more than six million Muslims living in the USA today.

So what do you propose, Bob?

11 posted on 09/17/2001 6:55:51 AM PDT by AppyPappy
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To: BobfromMichigan2001
Great post. Just more proof of how Islam is the new evil empire.

Expect the "jihadist appeasers" here at FR to descend on this thread any minute and call you a racist for simply pointing out the truth.

41 posted on 09/17/2001 10:05:55 AM PDT by Stingray
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To: BobfromMichigan2001
Why do you post such hatred? It disgusts me to see some people using this crisis as a chance to persue bigotry. Bigotry not just of a race, but a bigotry of religion as well.

Each G-d fearing culture, believes that they alone are right. Who are we or anyone to judge? That is left to G-d!

As long as there is a belief in G-d, a code of ethics and love of their fellow men/women, who then are we to judge?

G-d will take of His own, those that believe in Him. No matter what the lable is on their faith. G-d knows who His loving soldiers and servants are.

May G-d change your heart and open your eyes, especially now when G-d is trying to bring us together.

43 posted on 09/17/2001 10:22:20 AM PDT by ET(end tyranny)
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To: BobfromMichigan2001, ALL, JimRob, moderator or whoever
Bob, you sent me a freepmail, saying to contact you with an email address inside.

I did. What I got back was a welcome to your club, and a bunch of SPAM.

I returned your welcome with a REMOVE me from your club list and I want it done immediately!! I want no part of your group and you had no right to add me to your list, because I did NOT ask you to do so. And further more I do not like the condescending tone of your following mail.

Everyone not interested in the type of world Bob wants to live in, be very careful if he freepmails you an email addy!!!

51 posted on 09/17/2001 11:31:25 AM PDT by ET(end tyranny)
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