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How To Defend Ourselves Against Terrorism Effectively
The Informer | 15 September 2001

Posted on 09/15/2001 3:31:34 PM PDT by pxaus1

The US government seeks but cannot find the perpetrators of the twin towers atrocity. President Bush calls it war. Israeli Foreign Minister Berak calls it war. New York Post and Washington Post call it war. Everybody calls it war.

War with whom? That is what they cannot say. The purpose of this essay is to reveal the enemy.

We could ask Russian President Putin. He knows all about Moscow buildings being bombed by terrorists. Putin has been defending his country against the towelhead gangsters of organised crime who have been infiltrating Chechnya from bases in Pakistan, among other places, established with CIA connivance. Now they are biting the hand that fed it. It is good to see the western alliance now looking likely to stop fighting yesterday's wars and criticising Putin and instead joining him in a shared task.

Though the evidence is as yet inconclusive, the World Trade Center carnage bears the hallmarks of the World Islamic Jihad. But the enemy is not a single country.

In the echo chamber of the left-liberal media are sabre-rattlers like Kagan of Washington Post. 'Let us not be daunted by the mysterious and partially hidden identity of our attackers. It will soon become obvious that there are only a few terrorist organisations capable of carrying out such a massive and coordinated strike.'

This is just bloody-mindedness in search of a hate object. What about the devastating assaults with which the city of Baghdad continually and the city of Belgrade for thirteen weeks were laid waste by a US blitzkrieg killing and maiming thousands of people?

The anger of the kamikaze murderers may be irrational, as all anger is, yet it is not incomprehensible. It has certainly got nothing to do with envy as some inane people are alleging. While envy exists in most of us, envy covets, always desires life and certainly does not commit suicide. These people do not envy the US. They hate the US.

What is so exceptional about this incident is that it happened in 'New York New York' on a ordinary peaceful sunny workaday morning for everyone to watch unfold on CNN.

All we know so far is that this ultimate existentialist act was carried out by a few 'asylum seeker' residents of Florida, possessing the minimum skills necessary to find four flights taking off at about the same time, board them, knife the pilots and anyone else in the way, and steer the jet on target.

So what specifically do Kagan and his ilk baying so hungrily for blood, any blood, want to do? Bomb Florida? No, they want to bomb Afghanistan back to the stone age. But it is already back in the stone age. Maybe that is part of the problem.

Let us not be mesmerised by the scale of destruction. The art and genius of the whole thing was its brilliant simplicity. Any group of acquaintances who can keep a secret could have done it with but a modicum of planning. It was neither 'sophisticated' nor 'elaborate' nor necessarily 'masterminded.' It shows that the unthinkable has become practicable. It can be done and therefore we conclude will be done, yet again.

Consider this. We have bred a generation of heavy metal existentialists and gangster-rap nihilists any number of whom could now be carried away by the awesome alluring grandeur of this. Why cock a snoop at authority and 'the system, man' by means of impotent graffiti or S11 type street theatre when 'I can go down in flames and take the bastards with me'? To the traditional Judeo-Christian morality that asks, Why? they will only reply in their usual way, 'Why not? Hey! Who gives a shit?'

Likewise we should beware of reverse psychology turning Osama into an anti-hero of alienated youth, a sort of Robin Hood or Che Guevara figure.

The fact is, the enemy is a mentality. A variant of the 'what-the-hell' mentality informs many of the people of the Crescent Moon nation, whose continental axis now stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Whether it is Morocco or Kosovo, Sudan or Mindinao, these are just so many homes away from home in what is essentially one nation: the warrior nation of Islam.

The Jihad Warrior moves about Islamdom like a spectre passing through walls. Fresh from severing heads of Christians and Jews in Kosovo, or Hindus in Kashmir, he can turn up anywhere from Irian Jaya to Algeria, or on a 'refugee' ship bound for Australia.

According to eyewitness accounts, the disproportionate majority of those picked up in Indonesian waters by the Norwegian ship Tampa were young single men in possession of considerable sums of money but no identification papers.

Is it not obvious? They are not refugees. They are an army.

These leaky boats can be likened to the Trojan Horse, in the belly of which the Greek warriors were hiding, and which the Trojans, heedless of the prophetic advice of Cassandra, drew through the gates of Troy to their own destruction.

But of course the 'asylum seekers' are less of a problem than the numbers coming in by plane on temporary visa and disappearing into the crowd. Those who ignore the many Cassandras in our midst and demand we grant Afghan, Iraqi, Albanian and other terrorists 'refugee' status are sadly amiss.

It has dawned with the day of infamy, 11 September 2001, on the Judeo-Christian West that we are at war against the worldwide Abu Sayyaf - the Muslim Sword of God.

The Bush administration is at a loss as to how to proceed, because it is barking up the wrong tree. For this was the act of an elusive bunch of disparate individuals, not governments. For these lone rangers, neither money nor technology nor an army nor orders from superiors need have been a part of it.

This is whole new ballgame. It is difficult to make war against Scarlet Pimpernels whom we seek but cannot find, mass murderers so invisible they might be the fellows sitting next to us at work or on a bus.

Tossing a few missiles around the Middle East might satisfy the passions, the visceral need for revenge, and allay a sense of impotence and frustration, but, far from halting the Jihad, it will surely just aggravate it. Anyway, why descend to their level?

What then? OK, what do the suicide bombers have in common? Their religion. And specifically the intense hatred that particular religion by its very nature inculcates.

The bomber boys are stirred up by their teachers: the mad 'mullahs' and 'imams' - Islam's spiritual leaders.

The mentality behind the attack that brought down the World Trade Centre is being mass-produced in Islamic schools for scandal.

According to military intelligence specialist Jane's, potential suicide terrorists are taught to aspire to their martyrdom falsely so called as early as kindergarten.

An Islamic Jihad official reportedly said that the movement cannot cope with the large numbers of candidates for this terminal career. They are being swamped. So, we ain't seen nothin' yet, folks. Nor will that trend be stopped by retribution bombing but stimulated.

The mullahs are cruelly and wickedly deceiving young men into committing atrocities, on the sickening promise that they will go to Heaven as 'martyrs' if they die killing infidels. The angry young men have been conned into mortal sin by wolves in sheep's clothing who call themselves 'holy men' and 'teachers.'

Can there be any doubt that our bomber boys are now in Hell? For 'the wicked shall go down into Sheol: all the nations that forget God' (Psalm 9). 'Fire and brimstone and storms of winds shall be the portion of their cup' (Psalm 11).

There they curse their parents who should have taught them about sin and its eternal consequences. There they are cursing their 'religion' and the Culture of Death-preaching mullahs under whose spiritual guidance they were led to violate God's sacred Law against murder. There they are cursing God and there they are cursing themselves for having ignored the voice of their own conscience - the natural law God has implanted in man's heart.

All for the sake of what? A false promise, the most disgusting lie and lure ever to proceed out of the mouth of a so-called holy man: the blasphemy that implies that people fornicate in Heaven.

Virgins on tap! That is what these young men have been led to believe. This is not religion. This is the occult, straight from the devil, a liar and murderer from the beginning, whose sons do his will.

Actually the Koran does not say fornication. The relevant chapter, entitled The Cow, says that the blessed in Heaven are 'wedded to chaste virgins,' while That Which Is Coming mentions 'virgins, loving companions for those on the right hand.'

Divinely inspired? Rather, to say the least, is it not a culpable document because ambiguous and therefore potentially misleading?

No offence to well-meaning folk like Archbishops Pell of Sydney and Hart of Melbourne - not to mention Pope John Paul who has publicly kissed the Koran - but it is not true that 'we all worship the same God.' Psalm 95 (or 96 in Jewish and Protestant versions) says, 'the gods of the gentiles are demons.'

Let us praise Geoffrey Levy of London's Daily Mail for calling a spade a spade and drawing our attention to the Seven Rewards of the suicide bomber according to imams and mullahs.

(1) Forgiveness of all sins (2) paradise (3) crowning with glory with the 'holy stone, the Yaqutah' (4) 72 of the most beautiful virgins for wives (5) being spared the suffering of the grave (6) being spared the horror of the Day of Judgment and all uncertainty as to salvation (7) salvation for 70 family members.

The desire to commit suicide is a diabolical disorientation. It is one of the sure signs of diabolical possession, in this case, by the spirits of anger and hatred.

There is only one thing God cannot do and that is contradict himself. Therefore what is revealed in sacred scripture cannot contradict itself. Where two faiths are contradictory, only one can be the true one, at most.

Take wine. God glorifies wine. Ecclesiastes 9: 'Go then and drink your wine with gladness.' Wine was glorified by being sacrificially offered to God in the Temple.

In this writer's religion our Master glorified wine in his initial miracle at the Cana marriage feast, symbolising the heavenly banquet, by creating it out of water. Obtuse and schismatic puritans cannot cope with the truth that Jesus himself drank. 'They receive not the love of truth that they might be saved' (2 Thessalonians). Again, Jesus glorified wine by making it the physical vehicle for his blood. 'They understood not concerning the loaves, for their hearts were blinded' (Mark 6).

And yet the Koran's chapter entitled The Table calls wine 'an abomination devised by Satan.'

Abomination? All creation is good, including Hell, the place of perfect justice. Devised by Satan? He who is conscious nothingness can create nothing.God is Creator. 'All things were made by him and without him was made nothing that was made' (John 1). 'God saw all the things that he had made and they were very good' (Genesis 1). Bible and Koran are in conflict. Logically they cannot both be true. At least one of them must be false.

It is clear what has to be done. Under international law, the real criminals - the hate-mongering mullahs and imams - must be rounded up in their mosques by our new blue-helmeted world police and charged as war criminals and accessories to crimes against humanity, to be tried at the Hague.

Perhaps in the process these old graybeards, if they can be persuaded to sensible cooperation, will yield the names and addresses of their prize students, so that these students of death can be arrested, placed in protective custody, and gently re-educated before they do themselves and others harm.

There is however that one remaining problem, namely that the mullahs are only teaching what the Koran says. In chapters called The Spoils and Repentance, the Koran repeatedly commands Muslims to 'make war on them until Allah's religion reigns supreme.'

Full of verses of such hatred, can the Koran be a 'holy book'? By their fruits you shall know them. Remember what happened to one famous writer who called his book 'Satanic Verses'?

And who really is this 'Allah'? Shall we say it or not? Shall we follow the old Serbian proverb, 'say the truth and run'? No, for it is not permitted to be discussed under multicultural censorship and control. Not even at a governmental level or for the purposes of academic analysis. In our own country, we live in fear of our lives from an alien minority.

There is no amount of security and surveillance that could prevent the twin towers kind of attack - even if we were to jettison the very freedoms and democracy we seek to defend.

How do you stop a couple of knife-wielding Muslims from commandeering a passenger airplane and flying it into Flushing Meadow Tennis Center during the US Open, or CIA Headquarters Langley Virginia, or Disneyworld, or the UN building during General Assembly, or John The Divine Church on Fifth Avenue on a Sunday morning, or a synagogue, or the Melbourne Cricket Ground on Grand Final day, or any busy central business district?

Even if they run out of pilots, they will carry back-packs into pizza parlours or up-end bottles of anthrax into water supplies. Against this kind of terrorism there is no cure, even if you abolish the Constitution and declare martial law or 'a national state of emergency.'

To stop such activity, we must look at prevention, and deal with it at the source: the Islamic mentality, its cult of war and death, its teachers.

The violent - possibly diabolical - character of that 'religion' needs to be studied and analysed to expose its psycho-spiritual roots and its effect on the behaviour of those infected with it.

We need to wake up that the World Jihad is not at bottom a political problem but a spiritual problem. Intelligence agencies need to encompass spiritual as well as strategic dimensions. We need to break through the invisible walls of sensitivity and taboo we have erected around difficult subjects.

Superficially the cause is terrorism. But it is the religion that creates the terrorist.

The problem of those who harbour them is but a 'downstream' matter. It is a waste of time and resources to focus on symptoms and consequences. Go upstream to the source of the problem. Lay the axe to the foot of the tree.

Some will consider what this writer says about the Muslims too harsh. But let Muslims learn from the Book of Proverbs: 'Better the wounds of a friend than the kiss of an enemy.'

The writer has a lot of empathy for the Palestinians, understanding their frustration and resentment as they watch their living rooms being bulldozed without warning or compensation; and yes, even for the crazy Iraqis who have put up with twin towers type torments every other day for ten years. Wouldn't you be angry?

Let us not hurt ordinary Muslims but the teachers of hate and their keenest students. Let us do all things in love. As Augustine, the bishop from what is modernday Algeria and now, thanks to the persuasive powers of the knife, a Christ-free zone, put it: 'Non intratur in veritatem nisi per caritatem' - one does not enter into truth except through love.

Groucho Marx parodied politicians and demagogues: 'Well, those are my principles. And if you don't like them, I'll change them!'

Mr President, do you fancy yourself first and foremost a Christian or a politician? If a Christian, then listen to your spiritual mother, Blessed Mary: 'do whatever he tells you.'

And what is that? 'I say to you that can hear: love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, bless them that curse you, pray for them that calumniate you' (Luke 6).

Sincerely desiring to help mad as hell Mossies, this writer strongly supports THE AUSTRALIAN PEACE PLAN FOR THE MIDDLE EAST.

But that will require nuclear power, desalinisation, and the greening of the deserts. But we cannot have that, can we, Doctor No? It does not fit with the agenda of death.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial

1 posted on 09/15/2001 3:31:34 PM PDT by pxaus1 (
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To: pxaus1
Sorry Stud, bomb them back to the stoneage, the leaders will be a bonus. Teach these suicidal bombers that if you come after western civilization, the only bomb you will get is one of ours!! Put that in your Huka and smoke it.

I am tired of all this, it is obvious that the last 2 generations of Muslims in the middle east are now NUTS, we need to either take them out, or get them so scared of us that they stop.

Fear will be thier wall, because if they come after us, we will go after thier oh, so, holy leaders and thier families. Fight us, and you will die!! PERIOD!!! Attack us and your families and countries will bleed. Mess with us, and your security is GONE!!!
2 posted on 09/15/2001 3:44:07 PM PDT by Aric2000
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To: pxaus1
Thanks, p. Discourse in America on difficult issues remains uninformed and reactive. Dealing with terrorism requires ruthless pursuit of the intellectual leaders stirring this soup, not the poor slobs sitting around the fire. synarch
3 posted on 09/15/2001 6:22:02 PM PDT by synarch
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