You're admitting that Harry's right and can't even bring yourself to acknowledge it.
We trained the very terrorists who have killed 10,000+ American citizens in this country.
We did so because we thought we were serving our "interests."
So far, nobody has factually rebutted a single thing that Harry has posited.
Your opinion that money is part of the reason that Switzerland hasn't been attacked in over 8 centuries has merit. However, Switzerland's policy of nutrality and their insistence on handing out a machine gun to every adult male in their country puts off anyone who has the slightest inclination to invade them.
America has many if not more foreign investors than does Switzerland. If money was the sole issue, Switzerland would have been invaded by the Nazi's. They decided it was suicide.
Our policies have caused the extreme animosity toward America by many countries subjected to our morons in foreign policy who have dispensed "justice."
Here's a prediction: This is the tip of the iceburg unless we make some major changes in foreign policy.
The fact that our government has consistently denied the individual American the liberty to defend his self and Nation with whatever weapon he choses, coupled with the fact that this act was so successful will encourage other groups that we have attacked without good reason to attack us.
These terrorists met with virtually no resistence from the Citizens of this country who were hogtied by federal legislation.
Keep pretending that America is blameless and anyone who points it out is unpatriotic.
Typical simple-minded paleo/libertoid foreign policy analysis.
Harry Browne and the rest of you libertoids just love the example of Switzerland and the Nazi's. Minding there own business, and everyone armed to boot.
So how do you explain the failure of the Nazis to invade Sweden during World War II? Sweden was a major source of iron ore to Germanany. Without Swedish iron ore, the German war machine would have ground to a halt.
And yet, somehow, the Germans never felt the need to invade Sweden either. Why? Because as long as the bullion kept coming, the Swedes were happy to send the ore.
Just like Switzerland. As long as the Nazis got what they wanted, it wasn't worth invading.
Bears repeating. -- The posts above are among the few that bear rereading.
As usual, those that support jihads at FR, and in the US, are prattling their usual emotional nonsense. -- If anything shows the ultimate result of fanatical politics, yesterdays terrorism should.
- Zealots of every stripe never learn.
So, -- 'we the {rational} people', must find a way to work around them, constitutionally.