I feel as if someone took a switchblade to by childhood sweetheart.
I was turned away trying to donate blood (they have enough of my type) and yes, I cried.
There is NO longer a office vacancy rate in NYC....
Wanna bet as to when somebody files the first lawsuit?....
Morgan Stanley Says WTC Staff Survived
Miraculously, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co., the largest tenant in the World Trade Center, distributed a memo to employees in other cities earlier Tuesday saying that Trade Center personnel had survived the attack and apparently were all right.
The memo also said the investment firm's senior management had been at the company's midtown Manhattan headquarters when the deadly assaults on the towers occurred.
"As a dual-headquartered firm, we expect to have operations up and functioning tomorrow," a Morgan Stanley employee said the memo reported.
It added that financial advisers should reassure clients that their records are safe, and pass on a hotline number to call should they have questions.
An estimated 3,500 employees worked for Morgan Stanley in the South Tower, where the firm occupied about 50 floors.
An earlier message from Morgan Stanley's chairman, Philip Purcell, posted on the company's Web site (www.morganstanley.com), expressed sadness and outrage at the attacks. It said the company had limited information about the disaster but "our key focus and concern are for the well-being and safety of Morgan Stanley employees."
Mr. Purcell added that "in spite of this tragedy, all of our businesses are functioning and will continue to function. We are committed to resume full operations as exchanges and markets reopen.
"All our clients should rest assured that their assets are safe," Mr. Purcell's message said.
Following a terrorist attack on the Trade Center in the early 1990s Morgan Stanley tightened security and took a series of steps to protect records. It is understood that computers containing financial and trading records are far from Wall Street to insure their well-being.
Among the operations in the World Trade Center were believed the company's bond-trading desk, as were some mutual fund personnel. Securities analysts are at the midtown Manhattan site, a company employee said.
--Dow Jones Newswires
Stay safe.