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Barbara Olson - Vote to Include in the "FReeper Memorial"
| Bob J
Posted on 09/11/2001 6:55:12 PM PDT by Bob J
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To: Any and all
May she rest in peace....
and yes, she deserves to be in the memorial...
To: Bob J
To: Bob J
Absolutely yes!
posted on
09/11/2001 9:23:09 PM PDT
To: Bob J
To: lowbridge
Thank you.
To: Gracey
Mark Penman died in July, and last weekend another (I forget the name) died in an auto crash.
To: BobJ
To: Bob J
To: desertfox
I cry....I cry........
Barbara Olsen was a heroine for all women who seek the truth. And who have the courage to speak for women who have "COMMON SENSE," and who represent women who want justice for all who commit crimes, not just for a selective few. She was a heroine! I felt proud, everytime I saw her on T.V. I salute her! She died for her country, just like any good soldier. Yeah! We salute you, Barbara!!!
To: Bob J
A tearful yes.
To: Bob J
To: Bob J
To: Bob J
Godspeed, Barbara. You will be missed.
The Lord's comfort to Ted and friends and family.
To: Bob J
If a vote is even necessary then yes by all means.
And I suggest we make the title of one of her books "Hell to Pay" our motto in regards to this attack.
posted on
09/12/2001 12:09:57 AM PDT
To: Bob J
It is too bizarre to wrap one's comprehension around. I pray for her husband, and all surviving family members, that God will comfort them with the comfort only He can give, and extend help through His people to them (and all the other family members of all the other victims) in this awful hour.
None of us really has a handle on tomorrow, and events as tragic as this surely drives that home.
To: Bob J
Absolutely, Bob! I pray that God bless and comfort her family as he leads her into his Kingdom.
I am perplexed at the lack if media attention in Southern Cal regarding the fact that we lost the wife of a Bush appointee. The local LA channels were covering more popular victims from the LA area, but you would think Barbara would have been mentioned.
I mean, this is the wife of a Bushg appointee! God bless her and her family.
posted on
09/12/2001 12:56:27 AM PDT
To: wattsmag2, BobJ
Yes, definitely yes. She will be missed. Her calls to her husband before the flight's tragic end showed a brave person relaying as much information as possible to aid in finding the terrorists responsible for yesterday's attacks.
posted on
09/12/2001 7:09:26 AM PDT
To: All
posted on
02/15/2014 6:18:24 PM PST
al baby
(Hi MomÂ… I was refereeing to Obama)
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