To: 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub; BykrBayb; LakeLady; bridgemanusa; Darksheare; Dr Snide; faithincowboys; ..
This is the freeper tread from when the planes hit the twin towers. Here is why this election is so important!
342 posted on
08/25/2004 4:20:27 PM PDT by
(Real issue is Kerry attended meeting where VVAW discussed killing 7 US Senators! 11/71)
To: stockpirate
I STILL get chills running down my spine --even reading it now...
To: stockpirate
I heard on teh local radio station that a plane had flown into the tower.
So I turned on the news, and watched the second plane hit.
My first reaction was "Terrorists" my second reaction was "Thank GOD Gore is not President."
344 posted on
08/25/2004 5:18:56 PM PDT by
(The Liberals say: Join me and together we shall RUE the galaxy!)
To: stockpirate
345 posted on
08/25/2004 5:32:46 PM PDT by
(Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.)
To: stockpirate
thanks for the ping.
I wasn't here yet when 9/11 happened although I wish I was. Its amazing how quick everyong was to get to the facts. It shows how weak the MSM is (or how good FR is) when this group had a higher quality (and quicker) analysis than they did.
347 posted on
08/26/2004 7:29:06 AM PDT by
Dr Snide
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