"Will they ever tire of spitting on us?"
Well the House seems to have no problem doing that.
And I guess we will see what the Senate does.
And if Congress approves this bill and sends it to President Bush
We will see if he signs it.
WARNING: To ANY politician who votes for or approves this bill.
I will personally make a list of all the yes votes
and distribute this list to EVERY VFW and American Legion Post
to make sure YOU lose every Veteran Vote possible.
I urge all VETERANS to lobby the Senate
before they pass this bill and lobby President Bush to veto it if it ends up on his desk.
We owe it to our Brothers and Sisters who gave their lives and to all our POW and MIA's.
Congress.Org -- Write to Congress and State LegislatorsLocate Legislators for your zip code, gives you links to YOUR local Legislators with phone, e-mail etc info.