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Fox Takes His Case for Immigration Overhaul to Congress ^
| 9/06/01
| The Associated Press contributed to this report
Posted on 09/06/2001 7:46:23 PM PDT by B4Ranch
Edited on 04/22/2004 12:31:02 AM PDT by Jim Robinson.
Mexican President Vicente Fox presented to Congress on Thursday an impassioned case for swift immigration overhaul, but President Bush called proposals to grant legal status to Mexicans now in the country illegally "an incredibly complex issue."
"I fully understand President Fox's desire to expedite
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When the Senate voted to lower the inheritance tax for ten years this gave me an upset stomach wondering why only ten years. I believe I may have the answer now.
Someone, somewhere knew that the current 9 to 12 million illegal aliens would be freed from prosecution by the next President, Democrat or Republican. This will allow the "illegals" to bring in their immediate families without any difficulty. Get ready for another 30 to 50 million alien family members to enter America.
Now, assuming that these people will be primarily the parents, older brothers and sisters of the illegal aliens already here this will cause the need for medical care to rise tremendously. Reinstating inheritance taxes in ten years will help pay for this cost. These 30 to 50 million people plus the 9 to 12 million totals 39 million to 62 million people without any attachments to America's Constitution or Bill of Rights. therefore they will undoubtedly vote in programs that will encourage the government to take care of the people rather than the people controlling the cost of government. So, get ready for mandatory gun control in the next decade because these people along with the 95% of Americans who have never fired a weapon in defense of our country or for personal defense, are afraid of guns.
When this happens socialism will come marching in steady and strong. Then comes communism and the New World Order under control of the United Nations.
President Bush thinks that his support of the 2nd Amendment will gain him another term in the White House, by which time he will have crippled our country worse than Clinton did.
Can any of you tell me where I am off track in my thinking?
posted on
09/06/2001 7:46:23 PM PDT
To: B4Ranch
Your post has lots of inaccurate numbers, but I will deal with only one. The inheritance tax does not generate that much revenue, relatively speaking. In your chamber of horrors scenario, the reinstatement of the inheritance tax simply will not balance the books, or anywhere near it. I have some doubt the inheritance tax will actually disappear in any event. For very large estate over 5 or 10 million dollars, its total repeal was a mistake, although a reduction in the 55% tax rate was certainly in order.
posted on
09/06/2001 7:58:10 PM PDT
To: B4Ranch
i kind of like this new american president, foxbush. end sarcasm.
To: B4Ranch
"and, in remarks aimed at the mexicans in the united states, fox said: "mexico needs you. we need your talent and entrepreneurship. we need you to come home one day and play a part in building a strong mexico"" i would hazard more americans on missions trips go to mexico and do anything worthwhile than the mexican nationals who are here shipping us dollars back to mexico as fast as they can.
To: Torie
Why did they put a 10 tear term to it?
posted on
09/06/2001 8:04:54 PM PDT
To: Anonymous2
Why go back to a country that doesn't have a lifestyle anywhere close to America? That would be my question.
posted on
09/06/2001 8:07:52 PM PDT
To: B4Ranch
"I fully understand President Fox's desire to expedite to come up with a solution. We are going to do that," Bush told a joint news conference with the Mexican president. I don't understand Fox's desire to force the amnesty issue. It's not as if we were massively deporting the illegals, they are already taking jobs and sending money home. What does legalization gain Fox? He obviously doesn't want these people, he doesn't promise them anything to stay in Mexico, so why is he trying to run things in the US?
posted on
09/06/2001 8:10:31 PM PDT
To: B4Ranch
"I fully understand President Fox's desire to expedite to come up with a solution. We are going to do that," Bush told a joint news conference with the Mexican president. "We have heard his call," he said.Just who is calling the shots here? Immigration policy is an internal affair.
To: B4Ranch
The tax bill needed a 10 year sunset to be part of the budget reconciliation, and thus avoid under Senate rules the possibility of a filibuster, and other procedural delay maneuvers.
posted on
09/06/2001 8:13:01 PM PDT
To: B4Ranch
The only thing I can think that amnesty gives Fox's fellow citizens, is a right to apply for more welfare programs in the US so that even when they lose their US jobs, they can still have money to send back to Mexico.
posted on
09/06/2001 8:14:08 PM PDT
To: Torie
We need to make a simple deal. For every working Mexican family we take, Mexico should take one of the following:
- An elderly Palm Beach couple from Floriduh.
- An enterprising group of hippies who'd like to start their own marijuana farm.
- A eco-freak DINK couple from New England.
- etc.
The cost of living is lower in Mexico and Americans should have the same right to move down there, buy property and otherwise live off the land as the Mexicans moving north. What would Mr. Fox say to such a proposal for reciprocity?
He obviously doesn't want these people Quite a few of the illegals are wanted for crimes in Mexico.
posted on
09/06/2001 8:16:49 PM PDT
To: B4Ranch
The ten year term had to do with the parliamentary rules by which the tax cut was introduced in the senate as reconcilliation, to keep dems from amending it to death, I think.
I don't think Americans like the Mexican president lecturing us about the role of immigration in our history. At least I don't. I am an historian, and I know about it. I have written an essay on the subject, and have posted it on my new Website. See: "Immigration Then and Now", so you won't be bamboozled by bogus references to the immigration of our ancestors.
To: Vigilanteman
What would Mr. Fox say to such a proposal for reciprocity? NO, no deal!
posted on
09/06/2001 8:18:18 PM PDT
To: B4Ranch
Trust Complete gullibility of the American populace will be essential to achieve our (Mexico's) goals..."of dumping all our uneducated, huddled masses which I don't personally have time or ability to attend to. Now, please hand me one of those large fluffy towels. I feel the need to wash my hands..."
To: ClaireSolt
posted on
09/06/2001 8:23:24 PM PDT
To: Vigilanteman
Absent the forced population transfer bit, I think Fox would be most receptive. Indeed, I think he has already stated that Mexico needs to overhaul its restrictive laws. Americans can live in Mexico now, although obtaining citizenship used to be most difficult. Americans can own land in Mexico except within 100 kilometers of the coast, where it must be held in a trust. The real problem is lack of reliable title insurance, and corrupt Mexican courts when it comes to land ownership.
posted on
09/06/2001 8:23:57 PM PDT
To: B4Ranch
Great idea--reciprocity. Also, extradition. And, could we be permitted to choose? I get it, we educate them free in our public colleges, and they go to Mexico, leaving all the sick old Mexicans here. Great idea.
One thing I do agree with him on, though. People who come here as students should go back to their own countries and help improve them. I am especially peeved about foreign docs. We need to educate more American docs, and send the Indians home.
To: B4Ranch
RE: 10 year limit. I believe, B4Ranch, that the congressional rules say you can only budget so far into the future. It prevents one President making rules for the next ad infinitum. Then, to make the budget change permanent it must be voted upon again at a later date; ie differenct congress/President. Anyway, that's my understanding of why some of the tax items were done this way. Also there was the problem of easing it in so moderates and dems would go along with the vote.
To: B4Ranch
So, get ready for mandatory gun control in the next decade because these people along with the 95% of Americans who have never fired a weapon in defense of our country or for personal defense, are afraid of guns. When this happens socialism will come marching in steady and strong. Then comes communism and the New World Order under control of the United Nations.
I really don't think you have anything to worry about. Long before your scenario plays out, the US will fall apart and ethnic troubles (like in Israel or the Balkans) will break out. You won't have any trouble at all getting guns -look at the Balkans for more examples of what happens to a country when different populations "migrate" from one area to another.
posted on
09/06/2001 8:27:28 PM PDT
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