But when nations Pooh, NATIONS, make policy based upon their religion, be it Catholicism, Islam or Judeism. Then those policies throughout history tend to be bigoted and bloody
Israel's justification for settlements in Jerusulam is in the Old testement, as you quoted to me.
No modern western nation would base national policy off such a claim or justification
But a Middle Eastern one would. Middle Eastern ones do.
Koran and Old Testement are the opposite sides of the same intolerant coin when you use them to make national policy, to justify wars and occupations and to cloak your cause in the mantle of god's approval
And in this the Israelis are absolutely the same as their arab opponents
You can sing "Gimme that old time religion" all you want to Pooh. But if you'd ever seen the intolerance in the Middle East up close and personal you'd pray to god thanking him that the United States founding fathers had the wisdom to separate church and state
In 1973 they threatened the world with armageddon if we did not help them
A nice biblical prophecy, the fall of the Temple etc...
As absolutely fanatical and immune to reason or compromise as any Hizbollah bomber
And they've got a lot of nukes
Nice stable bunch of fellas
They get their national policy marching orders from the Old Testement, in the 21st century
A Middle Eastern nation to the core