Posted on 01/23/2025 12:17:03 PM PST by DallasBiff
WASHINGTON — (AP) — The Senate advanced the nomination of Pete Hegseth as President Donald Trump's defense secretary Thursday on a largely party-line vote, despite grave objections from Democrats and stirring unease among Republicans over his behavior and qualifications to lead the U.S. military.
Two Republicans, Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, broke ranks with Trump and his allies who have mounted an extensive public campaign to push Hegseth toward confirmation. The former combat veteran and Fox News host faces allegations of excessive drinking and aggressive actions toward women, which he has denied. The vote was 51-49, with a final vote on confirmation expected Friday.
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer implored his colleagues to think seriously, “Is this the best man we have to lead the greatest military in the world?”
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Murkowski has the ghost of Feinstein scaring her to death.
That said looks like Hegseth gets through the swamp.
This is not the nominee that matters.
Gabbard is. They all fall in line behind whatever narrative the intel people are pushing. She will sterilize that.
Hey Alaska, please get rid of Rank Choice Voting in 2026 and Murkowski in 2028.
I despise her. Can’t Alaskan’s see a problem here?
Well, upChuck, he’s a damn better choice for it than you are for being a sinator.
LIsa was DIFIs BOTCH!!!
Murkowski is the most corrupt Republican Senator we have
I saw the Pete Hegseth hearing. He was truly excellent.
I’m happy he got through.
He is a true American conservative pushing for common sense.
After the clintons, barry, and biden, they really can’t complain if someone has a little dirt!
“despite grave objections from Democrats and stirring unease among Republicans over his behavior and qualifications...”
Most of those cretins couldn’t hold up 5 minutes to what Pete has been through.......Let’s see one of them go through the confirmation process and see how they do.....bunch of freakin’ cowards.
“despite allegations against him”?!
If you want to call her a Republican. She really isn’t.
She identifies as one but that’s the end of it
We’re trying. Evidently, those who put together the oppositions to RCV are combining their efforts into one and are moving forward. Some people think the wording was too confusing. Not to me, but what did affect the outcome were the out and out lies about what the repeal meant. I heard one commercial say that if repealed, the military would lose their vote. No kidding, I almost drove off the road when I heard that on the radio.
thanks...what a whacked statement ...
Que up the Sam Brinton and Rachel Levine pics. (Which Murkowski had no problems with voting out of committee)
Ok let’s release the secret fund that has paid off allegations of harassment etc against congress
At least McConnell stuck with us, even though he sent millions to Murkowski to fend off the real Republican running against her. Also, the “defiant Democrat” and not really soon to be Republican, “Sweatshirt and Shorts” Fetterman, voted strictly in line with his Demo friends.
The Senate is supposed to now be in session 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. According to the rules, Dems can delay the nominations, but for only so long. With the clock constantly ticking, time is expiring faster than it normally would. My guess is that after Hesgeth, Dems may agree to move nominations along at a more normal pace.
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