Posted on 01/19/2025 5:18:36 AM PST by MtnClimber
The French king Louis XV is credited with saying “après moi le deluge,” meaning he didn’t care what happens after he was gone. Biden has not said the same, but his actions make clear that he’s perfectly happy to see the country weak and bankrupt and the Constitution torched when he leaves office and Donald Trump takes over for a remarkable second term. The press, which has covered for Biden most of his term, is now trying to hide their obvious airbrushing of the worst president in modern history and stay afloat. While much of the civil service seems ready to sabotage Trump once again, the very thought of Biden’s departure already has brought some welcome changes.
If you paid the slightest bit of attention, it has been obvious for years that Biden, always a mendacious back-bencher hack, was suffering from mental and physical disabilities and was merely a puppet for those pulling the strings. Speaker Mike Johnson related his experience in an interview on Free Press. When he was finally able to push back Biden’s protective phalanx for a one-on-one discussion, he asked Biden why three days before he had halted LNG exports to Europe, a move which made no political or economic sense. Biden denied having done that. (Did the twerps on his staff simply set the automatic signature device on and shove executive orders into it?) The New York Times wants us to believe their togas remain pristine -- that they had no idea the Oval Office was occupied by a marionette whose strings were pulled by unnamed puppet masters. They admit what we saw and what the legacy press so long denied: how his staff arranged meetings around his moods, delayed sharing information with him (like negative polling data)
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As a pedophile, he does not even care what happens to children.
After Joe Pedo is gone, Americans are going to celebrate, BIGLY!!! America’s long nightmare will finally be over. Finally!
Did he EVER care?
After he’s gone??????????
We know, Joe. We know.
he is one bitter and hatefilled old man like mcCain was when he stabbed these United States of America in the back and thumbed his nose at America. wonder sometimes if Jeff Dunham’s “Walter” dummy was modeled after Biden... or was it the other way around?
Money changed hands.
“Sign it anyway”
Remember that Slow Joe hasn’t had 2 functioning brain cells in years. The death cult Demonic-rats have been running the show since Slow Joe took office.
“Did he EVER care?”
Of course he cared, just not about the country. He cared about the power. He’s been in Washington for fifty years and was proud of being the poorest senator. I have to believe there was money moving around but just not where it could be trace to him. I need someone to tell what the game was about when he (they) did everything they could to sabotage Trump on their way out the door. Who benefited from what was done? Who was paid for it? All the pardons, spending and abstract decisions put together could easily spill over into treason. Failure to investigate it borders on aiding and abetting that same treason. I wouldn’t be too upset to see some deep-staters just disappear.
Good. You’ll care when you have to testify
He cares about where the next one comes from and when.
When his brain is working.
I can’t imagine that kind of depravity.
Yes, he cared about himself.
Biden has been in politics for 50 years.
America is going to be 250 years old in 2026.
So Biden has been in politics for over 20% of America’s lifetime!
That’s insane!!!
After you are gone I don’t care what happens to you
All the same crooks who have been handling him for the past 10 years.
He's SO abjectly venal and open to corruption that I am certain that's why Pelosi and “O’Bozo” wanted him on the ticket in the first place. They wanted someone who would look the other way and say nothing.
THAT'S when Joe fulfilled his ‘potential’ as a career crook, because he had that reputation to begin with ... or he'd never have been considered for the VP. Up to that point, he was universally known to be a low life, chiseler ... with "O'Bozo" and Pelosihe finally hit the big time and did he ever hit his stride (with the help of Hunter, & Co.)
Goodbye, Zhao.
Just like all of us, your mortality awaits you too.
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