Posted on 01/17/2025 10:18:34 AM PST by SeekAndFind
The confirmation hearings for Pete Hegseth on Tuesday brought some major fireworks. Democrat senators hammered Hegseth for his position on women in combat, but they saved their sharpest daggers for accusations of adultery and trouble with alcohol.
Hegseth might easily identify with Cupid in the Outkast classic “Happy Valentine’s Day” — “I used to be a bad boy in my day” — but his story doesn’t end with the peccadilloes of his past. Instead, Hegseth’s story is one of redemption through faith in Jesus.
While Hegseth pushed back on any of the anonymous attacks on his character, he wasn’t shy about admitting his past problems. “I’m not a perfect person,” he said more than once, but he credited Jesus and his wife Jennifer with turning his life around.
“In recent years, Pete Hegseth has also demonstrated a commitment to his family, and to a traditional understanding of Christian morality and the role of that morality in both education and the larger society,” Dr. Albert Mohler said on his podcast on Wednesday. And those commitments to faith and family have changed the trajectory of his life and could set him up for the ultimate career move of his life.
Stories of redemption are as old as the Bible itself. Jacob was a deceiver. David was an adulterer. Jonah ran from God. Zacchaeus was a corrupt tax collector. Peter denied Jesus. Yet God used all of them.
I’m not necessarily saying that Hegseth is a special agent sent by God to lead the Department of Defense, though that could be the case. What I am saying is that Jesus redeemed Hegseth, and as a result, God has a purpose for him.
It’s not just Christians or conservatives who are noticing.
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Many of us Christians have our redemption stories, some more dramatic than others.
Perhaps it is the boring sins that are the worst!
Adultery seems a ridiculous quibble for a military leader. Lots of the best have been notorious horndogs.
The Duke of Wellington was notorious for seducing everyone in a skirt.
Lord Nelson openly lived with mistresses.,_Lady_Hamilton
I’m not sure redemption should even be part of the discussion.
There are not a handful of senators who have the moral authority to question the morals of Pete or ANYONE for that matter.
The Republican Robert Packwood was forced to resign for giving an unwanted peck on the cheek to a staff member and the senate put up a statue in honor of Teddy Kennedy who took a life and never had to legally account for that.
The Senate is a snake pit.
The senators who are not snakes are few and far between.
Anything is possible, but some things are more likely.
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