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Why Did Newsom and Bass Make So Many Major Errors?
X/RCP ^ | Michael Shellenberger

Posted on 01/12/2025 2:24:20 AM PST by RoosterRedux

For more than a decade, the media, Democrats, and Hollywood have told us that Western civilization in general and the United States in particular are white supremacist, genocidal, and unsustainable. The founding of America occurred not in 1776 but rather in 1619 with the beginning of slavery, whose effects are felt more strongly than ever. The original colonies and the expansion of the Western frontier depended on the extermination of indigenous people and theft of their lands. And our crimes against nature have resulted in apocalyptic climate change, which requires radical changes to the way we live our lives.

The consequences of this self-hating Woke ideology can be seen today in catastrophic fires, mass evacuations, and burned rubble of Los Angeles. So-called progressives finally achieved what they supposedly warned of but in truth wished for: the eviction of the affluent descendants of colonizers, the incineration of their homes, and the destruction of a city that, more than any other, represents our bloody history of white supremacy and conquest.

I’m not suggesting that Democrats consciously sought to destroy Los Angeles. The entertainment industry professionals in Malibu, Topanga Canyon, and Pacific Palisades, who voted overwhelmingly for California’s progressive Governor, Gavin Newsom, and LA’s radical Left mayor, Karen Bass, thought they were voting for social justice and sustainability. They didn’t imagine their vote would result in their homes burning down.

And yet that’s what their votes resulted in. Over the last 24 hours, the evidence of gross mismanagement and incompetence by Newsom and Bass has only grown more overwhelming. On January 2nd, a full eight days ago, the National Weather Service urgently warned of extreme fire conditions. To drive home the point, the National Weather Service’s Los Angeles office held a press briefing warning of impending catastrophe.

On that day, Newsom and Bass should have called out the National Guard. They should have had planes and helicopters circling over Los Angeles spotting fires and putting them out immediately upon detecting them. They should have issued emergency warnings to residents. And they should have used various methods to spray water, including mobile sprinkler units alongside normal firefighter hoses, to wet down vulnerable areas.

Instead, the following day, Karen Bass flew to Ghana on a frivolous junket. And Gavin Newsom only called out the National Guard yesterday, seven days later than he should have.

In truth, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Newsom and Bass should have constructed two to three times more water reservoirs than Los Angeles has in order to deal with fires of that magnitude. Newsom and Bass should have not only built water recycling and desalination plants, like they have in Israel, they should have built them with excess capacity so that, in an emergency, those plants could have pumped fresh water to supplement the water in the reservoirs.

(Excerpt) Read more at X ...

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: california; democrats; derelictionofduty; fire; infrastructure; losangeles; negligence; r
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1 posted on 01/12/2025 2:24:20 AM PST by RoosterRedux
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To: RoosterRedux
2 posted on 01/12/2025 2:29:09 AM PST by Right_Wing_Madman
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To: RoosterRedux

since Dems are climate change believers, they should have seen the dangers of unaddressed brush build-up - and counteracted. they simply don’’t think - process information logically. they seem to have a mental disability as Lib Logic is never logical.

3 posted on 01/12/2025 2:32:28 AM PST by avital2
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To: All

Michael Shellenberger used to be a liberal.

4 posted on 01/12/2025 2:33:44 AM PST by RoosterRedux (Emerson paraphrased, "If you strike at the king, don't fail." The Democrats failed. )
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To: RoosterRedux

They wanted money to spend on their favorite pet projects and they could wring any more from the coffers so you rob Peter. I would say to pay Paul, but you are diverting Paul’s money to pay for you favorite pet project: A chorus like of leg kicking prawns some bent scientist has decided he wants to study.

5 posted on 01/12/2025 2:44:38 AM PST by rottweiller_inc (Lupus urbem intravit. Fulminis ictu vultures super turrem exanimati. )
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To: RoosterRedux
Errors? What errors! This appears to more of a plan. When Oregon offers men and machines and you insist that the fire equipment has to be DOT and smog tested before it gets to the fire? This is error, this is f’ing intentional. Now understand I’m not being a conspiracy person. I’m stating the obvious when you put politicians who are totally incompetent, unprepared, don’t care, are narcissist and commies, then what the hell did you expect would happen? These two couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag with a map, flashlight and guide dog. Their agenda is more important than the safety of the citizens. More important than allowing the destruction of LA’s economy.

De Mayor is bad enough, but the Governor who can over rule her is worse. There is no leadership!

6 posted on 01/12/2025 2:48:48 AM PST by Lockbox (politicians, they all seemed like game show host to me.... Sting)
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To: RoosterRedux
"Why Did Newsom and Bass Make So Many Major Errors?"

We owe a debt of gratitude to Governor Ron DeSantis for demonstrating to the nation in their November 30, 2023 debate just how untrustworthy and incompetent Newsome might be should he win the presidential election in 2024.
7 posted on 01/12/2025 2:49:59 AM PST by clearcarbon (Fraudulent elections have consequences.)
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To: All

The larger view is that the evident destruction of the Los Angeles infrastructure was preceded by the evident destruction of the San Francisco infrastructure.

DEI is a threat to the infrastructure of California.

DEI is a threat to the infrastructure of the USA.

DEI is a threat to the infrastructure of western civilization.

8 posted on 01/12/2025 2:50:05 AM PST by SteveH
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To: SteveH

Has anyone asked the Mayor where the money came from to pay for her junket to Ghana. She was looking for another 40 some million from the fire department right before she left.

9 posted on 01/12/2025 2:56:18 AM PST by rottweiller_inc (Lupus urbem intravit. Fulminis ictu vultures super turrem exanimati. )
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To: RoosterRedux

This was ON PURPOSE. Look at post 8

THIS was part of a plan to REZONE. I read that one of the arsonist had a UN debit card. Hmmm

10 posted on 01/12/2025 2:59:57 AM PST by Singermom
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To: rottweiller_inc

Dunno… but it would not surprise me if the funding came from a NGO or non-profit, which in turn got its funding from the US taxpayer. These NGOs have been going at it hot and heavy since the early Obama days.

11 posted on 01/12/2025 3:01:24 AM PST by SteveH
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To: clearcarbon

If you are a Democrat and from California, that should be a disqualification for any thought of them obtaining a national position. Democrats from California are dangerous and deranged.

Nancy Pelosi
Kamala Harris
Gavin Newsom
Karen Bass
Adam Schiff

12 posted on 01/12/2025 3:01:43 AM PST by srmanuel
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To: Singermom

I think this is the 6th city, in a prime real estate area that has been destroyed by so-called incompetence.

Each of them ready to be rezoned.

13 posted on 01/12/2025 3:03:33 AM PST by Jonty30 (Liberals are a fulfillment of II Tim3:5. We are instructed to have nothing to do with those people. )
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To: RoosterRedux

“I’m not suggesting that Democrats consciously sought to destroy Los Angeles.”


Perhaps not consciously, but when God is absent from one’s life, other spiritual forces takes His place. Destruction inevitably takes place

14 posted on 01/12/2025 3:03:46 AM PST by Eccl 10:2 (Prov 3:5 --- "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding")
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To: SteveH

The liberals in California just got mugged (by Newsom, Bass, et al.).

15 posted on 01/12/2025 3:06:53 AM PST by RoosterRedux (Emerson paraphrased, "If you strike at the king, don't fail." The Democrats failed. )
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To: Singermom

AND five cell phones!!!!!

16 posted on 01/12/2025 3:07:27 AM PST by Cowgirl of Justice
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To: RoosterRedux

The Democrats have so rigged California politics that it is impossible for them to lose. They are no longer dependent on the consent of the voters. They will hold power no matter what.

The only contest that matters is getting to be the crab to get out of the bucket of the Democrat candidate selection process, which is also heavily rigged. To win that contest, you have to hold all of the correct boutique politics positions on a thousand different issues, none of which is supporting the interests of the people in general.

That is how you get a political class that could not care less if economies fail or cities burn. Keeping those things from happening is not how they gain power. In fact, they consolidate power and make money in the ensuing chaos.

17 posted on 01/12/2025 3:10:04 AM PST by bondjamesbond (My pronouns are “Convicted Felon” and “Zir”. )
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To: Lockbox

This appears to more of a plan.

18 posted on 01/12/2025 3:13:53 AM PST by ronnie raygun
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To: Cowgirl of Justice
AND five cell phones!!!!!

Almost certainly burner phones. He's not acting alone.

19 posted on 01/12/2025 3:14:01 AM PST by RoosterRedux (Emerson paraphrased, "If you strike at the king, don't fail." The Democrats failed. )
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To: avital2

“ Lib Logic is never logical.”

Until now leftist Democrats seem to think that just saying or wishing something makes it true. Maybe this will be a wake up call.

20 posted on 01/12/2025 3:14:57 AM PST by Freee-dame ( )
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