...Rachel Zegler, who stars in Disney's upcoming live-action remake of Snow White, declared "Free Palestine" on social media this week while promoting the new trailer for the big-budget movie, whose release is being delayed by a year after what was rumored to be extensive reshoots.
Zegler's political stunt comes after the actress ignited an enormous backlash from Disney fans last year over her past comments in which she insulted the original 1937 animated film. Old videos resurfaced showing the actress pompously trashing the Disney classic, claiming that the Prince character is a creepy stalker and that women no longer crave romance.
"It's no longer 1937," the actress smugly declared.
Her snarky attitude created a PR nightmare for Disney, which is pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the Snow White remake...
Snow White experienced even more negative backlash last year when unauthorized on-set photos leaked providing the first look of the "seven dwarves" — who resembled multiracial hipsters were almost all normal size after the studio pledged last year to "avoid reinforcing stereotypes" about midgets.
The new trailer shows no signs of those characters, with the seven dwarves depicted using digital effects.Disney PR Nightmare: Rachel Zegler Declares 'Free Palestine' While Promoting 'Snow White' Trailer | David Ng | Breitbart | August 13, 2024
[Obama embraced Christianity]
McCain was too nuanced to use Rev Wright against the Blessed Obama.
Reprising old gambits seems to deliver diminishing returns.
His brother said he was born in Kenya
His grandma said he was born in Kenya
Hussein himself said he was born in Kenya when he went to Harvard.
Conclusion: Hussein was born in Kenya.
And is as we now know, he's a prime example of why the founders didn't want foreign born acting as POTUS. The fact that he did may very well turn out to be the one fatal act that ultimately ends our great nation.
Wright didn’t hurt Obama even one bit. Kamala won’t be dinged by this revelation either. Stick to the issues.
Does anyone still believe the Islamos attacked us because they hate us for our freedom?
The article did not state what Amos Brown said. Perhaps I missed it.