Posted on 07/08/2024 8:05:11 PM PDT by SeekAndFind
MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell has called for allowing Joe Biden to have aides with him on stage to speak for him and help him sound coherent.
Yes, really. This is where we are now.
O’Donnell said that it would be good to “Allow the candidates to have as many staff as they want, join them on the stage throughout the debate, and make sure that all of them have microphones.”
He added that “the candidates should be allowed to turn to their staff and confer with them about anything at any time in the debate.”
“And we should be able to hear everything they say. So we can hear if the candidate has competent or incompetent staff, we could hear the candidate overrule some advisers and say something else,” he continued.
“We could watch the candidates actually think and process information, including including possibly information that they might not know until a staff member tells them or reminds them,” O’Donnell further suggested.
He continued, “A candidate should be allowed to let staff members actually answer questions for them.”
MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell calls for allowing Joe Biden to have aides with him on stage to speak for him and help him sound coherent during the next debate. This is where we are at now. Full report here: — m o d e r n i t y (@ModernityNews) July 8, 2024
When he says ‘candidates’ he means Biden, because Trump clearly doesn’t need people talking for him. Only the mentally deficient, incoherent, bumbling Biden needs that.
What is this supposed to be? Show and tell at pre school?
It’s a debate between candidates who are expected to lead the country. They shouldn’t need people to help them talk.
It’s not a debate between the candidates if other people are doing the talking.
O’Donnell is only putting the ludicrous suggestion out because it is clear that Biden is not running anything. His aides are doing it all.
Indeed, an Axios report notes how literally everything Biden does is micromanaged and written down for him, down to where and when he walks and stands.
The report notes that “One template — a copy of which was obtained by Axios — is short and simple, with one large picture of the event space on each page, accompanied with big text such as: ‘View from podium,’ and ‘View from audience.’ In the five-page document, two pages are separate pictures of, ‘Walk to podium.'”
“Before a presidential event, the White House sends event staffers a document to emulate when preparing their own materials for the president,” the report further states.
One staffer told Axios that “It surprised me that a seasoned political pro like the president would need detailed verbal and visual instructions on how to enter and exit a room.”
This has been going on for years now:
'YOU take YOUR seat': Very specific cheat sheet reminds Biden how to act
This nimrod has gone well past his “sell by” date. But if that weren’t the case he wouldn’t be on MSLSD, I suppose.
No no no no no no no. This is a debate, not a staff meeting.
I think he may be referring to the Usurper and not the staff.
Please Lawrence, help him some more!
Suggest a gurney, a saline drip so the stimulants can be administered at regular intervals, and someone to collect the bed-pan.
“And when I move my fingers like THIS I can make Joe talk!”
Biden is the Meatpuppet President
Well looking at that picture they seem a bit old for Joe.
Perhaps Trump could invite a bunch of fourth grade girls to be his staff and we’d watch Biden tumble into a stammering mess.
LOL...great idea! Imagine The Demented One wandering away from his podium in a trance to get close to Trump’s “advisors.” They’d need some rodeo steer wranglers to lasso Brandon.
Don’t forget the Desitin!
I’m all for it.
Let Biden be surrounded by “managers” and Trump stand alone.
However, Biden’s “advisors” cannot make comments to the audience or Trump, hand Biden notes, no RF earpieces for either side, etc. Any time Biden advisors take up verbally giving him stuff to regurgitate is part of his response time.
What an enjoyable cluster-F THAT would be!
Amazing. Beyond amazing. What part of the word “Leader” do these people not get?
I can just imagine, with dread, the 3 am phone call.
“Mr President, Russia is preparing to launch nuclear missiles at Kyiv!”
“Who...what...where am I?”
Hammer time.
Larry, quit eating magic mushrooms Dude.
I think it’s bloody brilliant. Let the whole world see exactly how their country is being run, and by whom. Let them see the blood and guts of fifteen puppeteers trying to manage a corpse who doesn’t have the decency t lie down taking on one man, by himself, in control and calmly speaking the truth. It would be so over.
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