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To: exit82; Rusty0604

I posted this 10 years ago on FB

JD Rockefeller -1
I rarely post things of a political nature on my timeline as I am involved in political forums and several FB groups of a political nature... BUT this article from my friend HT: Ron Brough is so well done that I offer it to you as food for thought. We are coming on Memorial Day when we remember those patriots who died in many wars for the American way of life we now enjoy but are losing. The fourth of July in a little over a month will commemorate the birth of our nation. We will hopefully NOT takes these days lightly. Freedom is precious and fragile and now apparently fleeing. Only you and I can make a difference. It seems our elected officials either do not care or haven’t the backbone to stop the steamroller (and I don’t mean Mannheim Steamroller) that is cutting to the heart and core of our precious Republic . It is long but worth your time I propose. I am sharing a couple shots I took on my road trip from NC to OH


The exceptionalism of America is not the government it is the people

Ladies and Gentlemen the exceptionalism of America is not because of the government; it is because of you the individual. We are the backbone of this great nation. It is our hard work, perseverance, and determination to make our lives and families better that makes this nation great. Our founding fathers understood that if the government was not checked by the people, it would become a controlling government in every aspect of the people’s lives. Benjamin Franklin warned us about this when he wrote. “Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” or these two quotes from James Madison. “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” “There are again two methods of removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests.” The founders of this great endeavor understood that when a government is limited and the people have the power to govern themselves in the light of liberty and God that this nation would be the most exceptional nation in the world.

In the first letter I wrote in scriptures from 1 Samuel 8:6-20. God told us what would happen when we put a person over us. God said; they would take everything from us. It is hard to find men that will not become corrupted by the power or the fame. In history we can only count a small group of people that gave up power or turned it down after time. The great thing about this group of people most of these are from the birth of our Nation. People like Samuel Adams the father of the American Revolution. Then there is George Washington the father of the nation, who had a few chances to become King but walked away from it. Because President Washington stepped down from power after two terms, the men who followed him into the office of President honored Washington by not going past two terms also. It was not till FDR was that honor broken, he was not into honor only government controlling power and changing this country. FDR and the progressives like him want to make this Republic more of a socialist state and control every aspect of our lives. We can also see it even with the Judges who are making laws from the bench and stripping the people’s vote and replacing the people’s vote with their will and that is unconstitutional. That is not America’s limited government or exceptionalism; it is a slow death of liberty and the beginning of tyranny.

The birth of this nation was not because of a government growing up out of the soil of this land. The government came after the individual human spirit cried out to God to be free from a tyrannical King and controlling denominations. The people that settled this land came from all over the old world and they grew to trust the Lord their God and their own self reliance. From the first paragraph penned by our forefathers on being free, they talked about two things God’s will and the will of the people. “When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the seperation.” This first paragraph and the next few lines of the second, in the Declaration of Independence shows that without God and a free people in this nation, this nation would have never been conceived. Look at the writings that came before the Declaration of Independence that called a group of colonies together and beat the strongest nation at the time. Those individuals won their freedom and gain a limited government. This was the first nation in history that had the people in charge of the government and not the government in charge of the people that worked.

The exceptionalism of any nation is its people to be able to live their lives with little control from the government. The people of this nation took this newly formed country and made it into the power house we live in today. It was the entrepreneurs and the trail blazers of America that took this nation from a rebellious land that started from 13 colonies on the east coast of a continent to span from sea to shining sea. When our ancestors felt like their freedoms and space were getting to cramped they went west and started new cities, companies and lives. That individual spirit move people to find new land and expand this nation. Then as they got to a place they liked they settled down and started growing the area. The next thing was more people settled in that same area. They built farms, roads, buildings, churches, businesses and a community sprung up from their hard work. After time as that community grew up and more people moved in the government followed.

Throughout our nation’s life span as Americans we have had exceptional people stand for freedom, free enterprise, and freedom to freely worship and hear the call to duty to protect the rights of others. People like the founders, framers of this great nation and the pastors of The Great Awakening that fueled the fire of self governance and independence from a tyrannical king. People like Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Benjamin Franklin, Booker T. Washington, Eli Whitney, Cornelius Vanderbilt, George Westinghouse, John H. Patterson, The Wright brothers, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and many others through the years. Even today we have Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Billy Graham, Martin Luther King Jr and many others. This country is rich on enterprising individuals and the light of God’s word not because of the government intervention, far from it, it is because people can dream and we have a free market to bring our ideals to sell them to the people. There are also exceptional people that hear the call to action in war even before our nation takes up arms to fight them. Like the abolitionists that setup the Underground Railroad, to the men and woman that joined foreign militaries as in WWI and WWII before the American government stepped in. These countrymen saw the tyranny of an out of control government depriving other humans of their God given freedoms and they could not wait on the government to move, so they acted on their own. The greatest thing America has to give this world is not its government or the ideals from the leaders of that government. The greatest thing that America gives the world is the people that live in that limited government. That individualism and the freedom of the people to reach their full God given potential, not because of the government, no it is because of the Divine hand of providence and self reliance that the American people exceed.

An Ancestor of 1776
By: Ronald Brough

851 posted on 07/09/2024 4:27:22 PM PDT by DollyCali (Don't tell God how big your storm is ~~. tell the storm how BIG your GOD is! )
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To: JudyinCanada; MS.BEHAVIN; Spunky; CottonBall; luvie

449,000 Californians were summoned for jury duty, but were turned down because they weren’t citizens. But somehow they were registered to also vote.

And they want us to think the vote in California is legitimate?

855 posted on 07/09/2024 5:19:25 PM PDT by DollyCali (Don't tell God how big your storm is ~~. tell the storm how BIG your GOD is! )
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