Hey, we’re not voting our way out of this.
We need to ‘wall off’ our money by real property and middle-class income tax caps in the state and federal constitutions.
The battle in the legislatures to get these caps will gain Republicans votes come October.
Fighting against such caps will cost Democrats votes.
“amendments to the Constitution will not change anything, they will never get enacted”
Tax cap amendments might get enacted. If Republicans fight hard for them, Republicans will win votes, and office.
No more than 1 million American citizens shall have to pay more than 40%, no more than 5 million American citizens shall have to pay more than 30% and no more than 30 million American citizens shall have to pay more than 22% in federal income taxation.
or perhaps:
Federal income taxation shall be capped as follows, on personal income :
below the average yearly apartment rent in the District of Columbia, 10%,
below the median federal full-time civilian employee compensation amount, 22%,
below the average employee compensation of the 100,000 best paid federal full-time civilian employees, 30%,
below the average employee compensation of the 10,000 best paid federal full-time civilian employees, 40%.
[Note 1: All percentages include employee FICA. They do not fully include self-employment tax, so people that pay it might have to in part voluntarily invest in the SS system or partially arrange for their own retirement funding.]
[Note 2: Basing the tax brackets on federal employee pay provides great flexibility for the federal government in times of war and depression because it can increase taxes by cutting its employee compensation. Consider the situation in Ukraine. Governmental pay in Kiev needs to get cut to the bare minimum to maximize defense funding.]
Since federal spending is out of control, tax cuts are not currently possible, but tax caps are.