The Dobbs decision didn’t mean much of anything in practical terms. It just returned to the States laws governing abortion. So many states permit abortion at any stage, the Dobbs decionhas next to no effect in most states.
Don’t get me wrong; it was a very good decision.
The homosexual marriage was a bad decision, but it really didn’t change much.
If you don’t think reversal of the Chevron Deference isn’t incredibly huge, you don’t really understand it.
Obergefell, and before that, Windsor, was the springboard which supercharged homofascism to another whole level. It was THE major impetus to homosexualizing the entire military, effectively destroying it. It energized the destructive, demonic "transgender" cult to go after kids, destroying perhaps tens of thousands of lives.
People were JAILED, or threatened with jail, over these decision. Entire agencies were transformed overnight, for the worst. Entire states neutered their legal language to destroy gendered language that we had always relied upon, and in the process, destroyed parenthood.
Review your notes and modify.