It’s all about productivity. A burger flipper must generate enough revenue from their work to pay their $20 per hour wage and their share of the production costs to make this work. How many burgers can they produce per hour on average and at what price? It assumes that all the burgers they make get sold, but if the price of the burger goes up to make up their limited production fewer burgers get sold (Law of Demand). Add to this economic mess inflation increases in the cost of raw food. It is little wonder fast food places are closing their doors and laying off workers. The new paradigm may well be fully automated burger joints with few if any workers churning out burgers with little labor cost. Politicians obviously have no grasp of basic economics.
Thank you for that wonderful explanation.
My local paper interviewed a Wendy’s owner - owned a number of outlets - he said automation is being implemented immediately instead of over two years, otherwise he’s out of business. Fast Food joints are also going to use AI for the drive-thrus.