What it did for them was put them out of a job.
Not one word from REAL economist who easily understood foresaw the consequences of government mandates paying workers far beyond their abilities and skills.
I had a ‘brief’ argument last night about the economy, for which I was handed an emotional reaction to my citation that “you can’t just print 3 trillion dollars and not expect a negative result” to support my assertion that a recession IS VERY WELL LOOMING. I was then lambasted for shutting down (refusing to engage an emotional reaction when logic was the trigger).
As I’ve stated prior, there’s no debating with a leftist.
It’s a total waste of time. And yeah, they JUST DON’T GET IT.
They never will, even after the door smacks them on the backside as their new reality hits them like a ton of bricks.
No, “It’s the fault of MAGA.” Every time. Riiiiiiight. /s
Ironically, blacks seem to be smarter than lefty whites (emphasis on ‘seem’). Whooda thunk? /s
No, they’ve left a trail of destruction no amount of gaslighting can hide. But they’ll NEVER admit it.
They must be put down. They are toxic to other adults and worse: They victimize their own children (and others’).