I am nearing retirement and I am bitter about office politics and generally burned out and can’t wait to leave it behind. The other day I was at the grocery store checkout and I noticed the customer before me dropped a coin on the floor. I pointed it out to him. He looked younger then me and was wearing the uniform of a construction company or something like that. He said no thanks, he could not bend over to pick it up because his back was bad. I picked up the coin and handed it to him - not to “show him” that I could do it - I really felt empathy for him. That put things in perspective for me, although I am still struggling to keep slogging my way through until I retire.
I’m about the same. I love my job but can’t wait to quit and start the new adventure. Three years or so to go.
I’m not quite counting the days but I am glancing at calendars.
We just ordered a rooftop tent for our truck and plan to do lots more camping.
My wife and I already volunteer thousands of hours a year so volunteering more is probably part of the equation.