Shannon now giving him all kinds of time to make sure he can get max viewing from her.
He does get it right that hamas is the problem not Israel.
Probably the only thing some dirty dems get right.Now he claims there are innocents at gaza which is refuted by those who were attacked in Israel.Manly claimed anyone in gaza is a terror supporter.
moskowitz now saying biden will win in November,hes lost as are most dems now lauding abortion rights and claiming the border is both parties problem. no one can lie like a dirty dem and moskowith is typical of the dirty dems.
Shannon now on with Donald's on abortion.Donald's explains to shannon abortion is up to the states.
Byron righting the lies of mosko.
shannon now saying republicans dont care about the border she wants to konow how pubbies will fix the border the dems devastated.
Byron explains to shaaaanon that the border was secure under trump and now a disaster under obiden/obama.
president needs more authority to secure the nation. shannon quickly goes to the bronx since byron spanked her well.
Shannon now calling Donald's a prop acc.d to joy someone from mostly stupid nbc.
joy reids comments a re little more than "crabs in a barrell," just too good.
Here's the gist of Joy Reids comment accd. to Byron: Just too good!!
Donalds saying people have seen both men as President and they want Trump hands down!! world was safer economy was better no comparison.
Excellent summary and so true Donald a straight shooter . Right on target with no usual political,lead in. Heat replacement for DeSamtis in the future
Your take on Rick Scott and his obvious being there for Trump but also positioning for Turtles job as Senate leader
Donalds will be the next Governor of Florida. Moscowits (Misspelled, because he’s represents Putin in Congress) will get spanked in the Governor’s race.