No accountability unless they name names and enforce consequences.
absolutely, this means nothing without consequences.
I’ve got an idea; if the citizens of Kansas City are so upset maybe the Chiefs should return to their roots which is Dallas, Tx. The mayor of Dallas has been shopping for another NFL team for Dallas. Chiefs would be a great fit. Besides, the Hunt family has property and business interests in North Texas. Would be a great fit. And the Cotton Bowl is ready and waiting 😁…..
That’s right.
The Attorney General is demanding that the mayor turn over all emails from that office. It’s ironic that the mayor was offended by someone who said marriage and family was important given that he’s never met his father. That wasn’t his fault but as an adult he never married his girlfriend until she was ready to give birth.
They don’t need to name names ,but they need to disclose that they summarily fired the person, and will cooperate in the AG’s investigation